
江苏省疾病预防控制中心,江苏 南京 210009


孙晨 女 主管技师 研究方向为卫生理化检验 E-mail:740994473@qq.com


杨润 女 主任技师 研究方向为卫生理化检验 E-mail:502869110@qq.com



Determination of 19 fluorinated alkyl compounds in liquid milk by ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry

Jiangsu Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Jiangsu Nanjing 210009, China

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    目的 建立通过HLB-P/HMR-Lipid SPE净化柱前处理,超高效液相色谱-串联质谱同时检测液态乳中19种全氟烷基化合物的方法。方法 样品经乙腈溶解,沉淀蛋白,涡旋提取,使用商品化的双层固相萃取柱HLB-P/HMR-Lipid SPE进行除脂净化,氮吹后甲醇-水(8+2)复溶,以甲醇和2 mmol/L甲酸铵溶液作为流动相梯度洗脱,目标物经ACQUITY Premier BEH C18 色谱柱(100 mm×2.1 mm,1.7 μm)分离,使用电喷雾离子源、负离子多反应监测模式进行检测,内标法定量。结果 19种全氟烷基化合物在0.1~50 μg/L范围内线性关系良好,相关系数r均>0.995。检出限在0.003 7~0.009 5 μg/kg,定量限在0.012 4~0.031 7 μg/kg。液态乳中低浓度加标0.1 μg/kg、中浓度加标1 μg/kg、高浓度加标8 μg/kg,3个添加浓度水平的加标回收率为73.8%~113.1%,相对标准偏差均<10%(n=6)。结论 该方法准确可靠、灵敏度高、重现性好,覆盖的全氟化合物种类多,适用于液态乳中全氟烷基化合物的检测。


    Objective To optimize the sample pretreatment process by using HLB-P/HMR-Lipid SPE purification column. In combination with ultra-high performance liquid chromatoplc-tandem mass spectrometry, a method for simultaneous detection of 19 fluorinated alkyl compounds in liquid milk was established.Methods The sample was extracted by means of acetonitrile dissolving precipitated protein vortex, and the commercial double-layer solid phase extraction column HLB-P/HMR-Lipid SPE was used to purify the lipid. Then the methanol-water (8∶2, v/v) was redissolved after nitrogen blowing, and the mobile phase gradient elution was performed by using methanol and 2mmol/L ammonium formate solution. The targets were separated by ACQUITY Premier BEH C18 column (100 mm×2.1 mm,1.7 μm), detected by electrospray ion source and negative ion multi-reaction monitoring mode, and quantified by internal standard method.Results The linear relationships of 19 fluorinated alkyl compounds were good in the range of 0.1-50 μg/L, and the correlation coefficient r was greater than 0.995. The limit of detection was 0.003 7-0.009 5 μg/kg and the limit of quantification was 0.012 4-0.031 7 μg/kg. The recoveries of low concentrations(0.1 μg/kg), medium concentrations(1 μg/kg) and high concentrations(8 μg/kg)in liquid milk ranged from 73.8% to 113.1%, the relative standard deviations were less than 10% (n=6).Conclusion The method is accurate, reliable, sensitive, reproducible and suitable for the detection of fluorinated alkyl compounds in liquid milk.

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  • 收稿日期:2024-07-01
  • 在线发布日期: 2025-03-19