
1.中国疾病预防控制中心营养与健康所,北京 100050;2.中央军委机关事务管理总局保健室, 北京 100034;3.中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,资源与环境信息系统国家重点实验室, 北京 100101;4.国家卫生公共营养与健康重点实验室,北京 100050


吴晓宇 女 硕士研究生 研究方向为公共营养 E-mail: wu2000xiaoyu@163.com


杜文雯 女 研究员 研究方向为公共营养 E-mail: duww@ninh.chinacdc.cn




国际合作项目[中国健康与营养调查项目](R01-HD30880、DK056350、R24 HD050924、R01-HD38700);国家财政项目[公共卫生应急反应机制的运行(131031107000210002)]

The status and trends of fruit consumption among adult Chinese residents from 1991 to 2018

1.National Institute for Nutrition and Health, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing 100050, China;2.Health Department of the General Administration of Administrative Affairs of the Central Military Commission, Beijing 100034, China;3.State Key Laboratory of Resources and Environmental Information System, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China;4.Chinese Center for Diseases Control and Prevention, Key Laboratory of Public Nutrition and Health, National Health Commission of the People’s Republic of China, Beijing 100050, China

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    目的 了解中国18岁及以上成年居民水果消费状况及其变化趋势,评价成年居民水果的消费水平,为指导中国成年居民水果合理消费和制定营养健康政策提供科学依据。方法 基于长期追踪队列“中国健康与营养调查”,将1991、2000、2011、2018年追访中有完整3天24小时膳食调查数据的18岁及以上成年居民作为研究对象,共纳入37 060人。采用描述性分析和趋势性检验等方法分析连续3天24小时膳食回顾调查中的水果消费率、平均每日水果消费量及水果消费的变化趋势,并与《中国居民膳食指南》中水果类推荐摄入量200 g/d进行比较,将其作为评估消费量是否满足的标准。结果 中国成年居民水果消费率总体呈上升趋势,从1991年的11.0%增加至2018年的47.8%(P<0.001)。水果消费人群的消费量中位数从1991年的66.7 g/d增加至2018年的88.8 g/d。成年居民人均每日水果的消费量从1991年的10.4 g增加到2018年的54.0 g。水果消费具有城乡差异,以2018年为例,城市和农村居民水果的平均消费量分别为71.6 g和41.8 g,城市居民达到水果推荐量的占比高于农村居民的两倍。结论 1991—2018年中国成年居民水果消费率整体呈现上升趋势,水果消费量有所增加,但仍远低于推荐摄入量,城乡居民水果消费量存在明显差异。应进一步针对不同人群采取有效的干预措施,增加水果的消费量,树立均衡膳食的健康理念,改善居民营养状况。


    Objective To understand the situation of fruit consumption and its trends among Chinese adult residents aged 18 and above, and to evaluate the level of fruit consumption among adult residents, so as to provide a scientific basis for guiding the rational consumption of fruit among Chinese adult residents and formulating nutritional and health policies.Methods Based on the China Health and Nutrition Survey (CHNS), a long-term follow-up cohort of 37 060 adult residents aged 18 years and older with complete 3-day, 24-hour dietary survey data from the 1991, 2000, 2011 and 2018 waves were enrolled in the study. Descriptive analyses and trend tests were used to analyze the fruit consumption rate, average daily fruit consumption and the trend of fruit consumption in the consecutive 3-day 24-hour dietary review surveys, and to compare them with the recommended fruit intake of 200 g/d in the Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents.Results The fruit consumption rate of adult residents in China generally showed an upward trend, increasing from 11.0% in 1991 to 47.8% in 2018 (P<0.001). The median consumption of the fruit-consuming population increased from 66.7 g/d in 1991 to 88.8 g/d in 2018.The per capita daily fruit consumption of overall adult residents increased from 10.4 g in 1991 to 54.0 g in 2018. Fruit consumption has urban-rural differences, the average fruit consumption of urban and rural residents in 2018 was 71.6 and 41.8 g, respectively, and the proportion of urban residents reaching the recommended amount of fruit was higher than twice that of rural residents.Conclusion Overall trend of fruit consumption rate among Chinese adult residents showed an upward trend during 1991 to 2018. Fruit consumption has increased, but it is still far below the recommended intake with obvious urban-rural differences. Effective interventions should be further targeted at different populations to increase fruit consumption, establish the health concept of a balanced diet, and improve the nutritional status of the population.



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  • 收稿日期:2023-12-25
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  • 在线发布日期: 2025-02-07
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