
1.厦门市儿童医院(复旦大学附属儿科医院厦门医院),福建 厦门 361000;2.广西壮族自治区贵港市 覃塘区人民医院,广西 贵港 537121;3.四川省攀枝花市疾病预防控制中心,四川 攀枝花 617000;4.上海市疾病预防控制中心,上海 200336


黄美恋 女 主管技师 研究方向为临床病原微生物诊断 E-mail:737484739@qq.com
韦蓓 女 副主任技师 研究方向为临床病原微生物诊断 E-mail:334044606@qq.com


许学斌 男 副主任技师 研究方向为感染性病原的生态溯源 E-mail:xuxuebin@scdc.sh.cn
陈嫣 女 副主任技师 研究方向为微生物检测和监测 E-mail:56555163@qq.com





Confirmation of epidemiological change trends of Salmonella infections in the United States in recrnt 50 years

1.Children’s Hospital of Fudan University (Xiamen Branch), Xiamen Children’s Hospital, Fujian Xiamen 361000, China;2.Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Qintang District Guigang People’s Hospital, Guangxi Guigang 537121, China;3.Panzhihua Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Sichuan Panzhihua 617000, China;4.Shanghai Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Shanghai 200336, China

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    目的 循证美国近50年感染性沙门菌优势菌型流行病学变化趋势。方法 统计和分析美国1968—2011年人感染的30种沙门菌型(包括肠内和肠外优势型)与养殖动物(疫病与非疫病组)沙门菌的生态优势菌型,剖析美国2006—2016年间国家肠道沙门菌型病例监测大数据,关联2006—2017年美国本土食源性和宠物源性沙门菌型的跨州暴发数据。结果 美国近50年养殖业使某些沙门菌型与养殖动物间形成定殖与致病的生态特征,定殖动物的沙门菌优势菌型与人群感染菌型间存在暴露剂量-反应关系,人与动物长期互作使两者沙门菌的优势菌型高度契合;美国近50年人群感染沙门菌基线呈渐增趋势,病例多发“一老一小”,以1岁以下幼儿发病率最高,南部和中西部病例偏多,2008年肠炎替代鼠伤寒成为美国沙门菌首位人群感染菌型;归因食源性跨州暴发的食物,具有从传统的肉、蛋、奶,向蔬菜、即食食品、水果等过渡的消费特征,2006年后逐渐增多,与家庭养殖爬行动物等活体动物有关的宠物源沙门菌跨州暴发属于行为生态型传染病,较食源性暴发的跨时更长、病例更分散和隐匿性更高。结论 美国沙门菌的疾病生态学特征,可为我国兽医与人的沙门菌病的综合防控提供参考。


    Objective Evidence-based review of epidemiological change trends of Salmonella serotype infections in the United States in recent 50 years.Methods To collect and analyze 30 dominant Salmonella serotypes(including enteral and parenteral dominant serotypes) infected in humans and the ecologically dominant Salmonella serotypes in farmed animals (animal disease and non-animal disease groups) in the United States from 1968 to 2011, and analyze the big Salmonella serotypes data of National Enteric Salmonella Surveillance in the United States from 2006 to 2016. To correlate the Salmonella serotypes based on the outbreaks of Multistate foodborne and pet-borne disease in the United States from 2006 to 2017.Results The United States has caused the formation of colonization and pathogenic ecological characteristics between some Salmonella serotypes and cultured animals based on the more and more developed breeding industry in the past 50 years. There is an exposure response relationship between the dominant Salmonella serotypes of colonized animals and the human infected. The long-term interaction between human and animal makes the dominant Salmonella serotypes highly match. In the past 50 years, the baseline of Salmonella infection in the population in the United States has been gradually increasing, The patients are most common in children and the elderly, the highest incidence in children under 1 year old, and more cases in the south and Midwest. In 2008, enteritis replaced typhimurium as the first human infection of Salmonella in the United States. The foods attributed to Salmonella multistate foodborne outbreaks have the consumption characteristics of transition from traditional meat, eggs, and milk to vegetables, ready-to-eat foods, fruits, etc. The Salmonella multistate pet-borne outbreaks, which have gradually increased since 2006 and are related to live animals such as domesticated reptiles, belong to behavioral ecotype infectious diseases, with longer duration, more dispersed cases and higher concealability than foodborne outbreaks.Conclusion To summarizes the disease ecological characteristics of Salmonella in the United States, which can provide reference for the comprehensive prevention and control of salmonellosis between veterinarians and humans in China.



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