
1.鹤壁职业技术学院,河南 鹤壁 458030;2.江苏师范大学,江苏 徐州 221116;3.莫斯科国立体育学院,俄罗斯 莫斯科 109807;4.郑州大学体育学院,河南 郑州 450044


洪海 男 讲师 研究方向为体育教学与训练 E-mail:h13939215216@163.com


李亚伟 男 讲师 研究方向为运动与脑智提升 E-mail:yaweili@vip.126.com




A survey of dietary nutrition status of teenage cyclists in Jiangsu Province during the training period from 2018 to 2021

1.Hebi Polytechntc, He’nan Hebi 458030, China;2.Jiangsu Normal University, Jiangsu Xuzhou 221116, China;3.Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture, Malakhovka, Moscow Oblast 109807, Russia;4.Physical Education College of Zhengzhou University, He’nan Zhengzhou 450044, China

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    目的 调查2018—2021年江苏省青少年自行车运动员在训练期间膳食营养状况,以明确青少年自行车运动员在训练期是否存在营养摄入不足问题,进一步为相关部门及时采取干预措施提供依据。方法 选取2018—2021年江苏省青少年自行车运动员1 100名作为调查对象,调查分析青少年运动员在训练期间膳食结构情况。共回收有效问卷1 086份。结果 1 086名青少年运动员实际能量摄入基本达到能量需要量的80%以上;青少年运动员每日由脂肪提供的能量低于推荐摄入量(25%~30%),每日由碳水化合物提供的能量为64.72%,均在推荐范围内(55%~65%),并存在每日水分摄入不足的情况,且平均每日膳食纤维摄入量(10.23 g)低于推荐量(25~30 g);除男性运动员烟酸摄入量高于推荐量外,其他各种维生素摄入量均低于推荐量;膳食结构方面,蛋类、谷类及其制品摄入情况较好,能达到推荐量要求,而畜肉类、奶类、蔬菜类及豆类均摄入不足,水果类、薯类、水产类、禽肉类等严重摄入不足;早餐、中餐供能比均在推荐摄入量范围内,但晚餐供能比偏高。结论 江苏省青少年自行车运动员摄入能量和营养素存在不足问题,无法满足运动员训练期间的需求,且存在膳食结构不合理情况,畜肉类、奶类、蔬菜类、豆类、水果类、水产类等摄入不足,同时长期晚餐摄入偏高,不利于运动员自身运动能力和正常训练。建议加强运动员、管理人员及厨师等人员营养知识教育,适当调整运动员膳食结构,改善运动员饮食行为,确保其营养健康需求,为提升运动成绩奠定基础。


    Objective To investigate the dietary nutrition status of adolescent cyclists in Jiangsu Province during the training period from 2018 to 2021, and to clarify whether there is a problem of insufficient nutrient intake among adolescent cyclists during the training period, further provide evidence for relevant departments to take timely intervention measures.Methods A total of 1 100 adolescent cyclists in Jiangsu Province from 2018 to 2021 were selected as the survey subjects to investigate and analyze the dietary structure of adolescent athletes during training. A total of 1 086 valid questionnaires were returned.Results The actual energy intake of the 1 086 adolescent athletes basically reached more than 80% of the energy requirement (EER); the energy provided by fat per day for adolescent athletes was lower than the recommended intake (25%-30%), and the energy provided by carbohydrates per day was 64.72%, both within the recommended range (55%-65%). There was insufficient water intake per day, and the average daily dietary fiber intake (10.23 g) was lower than the recommended amount (25-30 g); except for male athletes, who have higher intake of niacin than the recommended amount, the intake of other vitamins is lower than the recommended amount. In terms of dietary structure, eggs, cereals and their products are well-intake, which can meet the recommended intake requirements, while livestock meat, dairy products, vegetables and beans are all insufficiently ingested, and fruit, potato, aquatic products, poultry and other foods are seriously insufficiently ingested. The energy supply ratio of breakfast and lunch is within the recommended intake range, but the energy supply ratio of dinner is higher.Conclusion There are insufficient intake of energy and nutrients in adolescent cyclists in Jiangsu Province, which cannot meet the needs of athletes during training. There is also an unreasonable dietary structure, with insufficient intake of livestock meat, dairy products, vegetables, beans, fruits, and aquatic products. At the same time, the long-term high intake of dinner is not conducive to the athletes’ own athletic ability and normal training. It is suggested that nutrition education for athletes, managers, and chefs should be strengthened, and the dietary structure of athletes should be appropriately adjusted to improve their dietary behavior and ensure their nutritional and health needs, laying the foundation for improving sports performance.



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  • 收稿日期:2023-05-24
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  • 在线发布日期: 2024-07-18
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