
1.昆明市疾病预防控制中心,云南 昆明 650028;2.云南省疾病预防控制中心,云南 昆明 650022


陈志辉 男 主管技师 研究方向为微生物检验 E-mail:hui_8212@163.com


范璐 女 主管技师 研究方向为食品微生物检测 E-mail:273886578@qq.com





Surveillance of pathogens of aquatic products in Yunnan Province from 2014 to 2021

1.Kunming Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Yunnan Kunming 650028, China;2.Yunnan Province Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Yunnan Kunming 650022, China

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    目的 分析云南省水产品病原生物污染情况,为食源性疾病防控策略提供依据。方法 2014—2021年,按年度对云南省16个州市水产品开展随机抽样监测,以统计学方法分析不同病原生物在水产品类型、地区、季节分布上的差异以及可能的污染途径。结果 在3 540份生鲜、冷鲜、冷冻(糜制品)、即食4类水产样品中,检出9种致病菌、1种寄生虫,总检出率为10.8%(383/3 540),致病菌中检出较多的为副溶血性弧菌(10.3%,139/1 347)、单核细胞增生李斯特菌(4.2%,41/980)、沙门菌(3.3%,32/980);寄生虫中广州管圆线虫在中间宿主中感染较为普遍(9.0%,167/1 861),其他病原生物检出率较低。病原生物在不同类型水产品中检出率差异有统计学意义(χ2=34.077,P<0.001),以生鲜、冷鲜水产中检出为主;分层χ2检验显示,部分病原生物在地区分布、产地及采样场所存在有检出差异;副溶血性弧菌(χ2=15.850,P=0.001)、溶藻弧菌(χ2=8.400,P=0.029)检出率在季度分布上差异有统计学意义。结论 云南省水产品病原生物污染较普遍,存在引发食源性疾病的风险。改变饮食习惯、改善水产品储运条件及加强病原生物监测是降低食源性疾病发病率的有效途径。


    Objective To analyze the contamination of aquatic products with pathogens in Yunnan Province and provide a basis for the prevention and control of foodborne diseases.Methods From 2014 to 2021, aquatic products obtained from 16 cities in Yunnan Province were randomly used for pathogen detection, and statistical methods were used to analyze the differences in product type, regional and seasonal distribution, and contamination source between varied aquatic products.Results A total of 3 540 samples were collected in the four categories of aquatic food, fresh aquatic animals, cold aquatic animals, frozen surimi products, and ready-to-eat products. Nine pathogenic microorganisms and one parasite were detected, with a total detection rate of 10.8%. Vibrio parahaemolyticus (10.3%), Listeria monocytogenes (4.2%), and Salmonella (3.3%) were the most common pathogenic microorganisms. Angiostrongylus cantonensis was commonly present in intermediate hosts (9.0%), whereas the detection rate of other pathogens was low. The detection rates of pathogens in different aquatic products were statistically different (χ2=34.077,P<0.001), mainly in fresh and cold aquatic animals. The chi-square test showed differences in the regional distribution, origin, and environments of some pathogens. The detection rates of V. parahaemolyticusχ2=15.850, P=0.001) and Vibrio alginolyticusχ2=8.400, P=0.029) were statistically different in a seasonal distribution.Conclusion The contamination of aquatic products by pathogens was common in Yunnan Province, and this is a risk factor for foodborne illness. Changing dietary habits, improving aquatic product storage and transportation conditions, and strengthening pathogenic microorganism monitoring are effective ways to reduce the incidence of related food-borne diseases.

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