
广东省疾病预防控制中心,广东 广州 511430


李世聪 男 主管医师 研究方向为营养与食品卫生学 E-mail:lishicong2020@qq.com


闻剑 男 主任医师 研究方向为食品安全风险监测 E-mail:381719794@qq.com.




Characteristics analyzing of Guangdong Province foodborne disease in 2020

Guangdong Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Guangdong Guangzhou 511430, China

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    目的 总结2020年广东省食源性疾病发病特征,为防控策略提供科学依据。方法 对国家食源性疾病监测报告系统(CFSA)中2020年1~12月的报告数据进行描述性流行病学分析,并运用SPSS 21.0软件进行统计分析。结果 2020年共报告食源性疾病病例27 397例,年均发病率0.24‰(27 397/115 210 000),住院率10.66%(2 920/27 397),无死亡病例,其中珠三角地区的发病率为0.28‰(18 303/6 447万人),住院率为6.88%(1 259/18 303),粤东西北的发病率为0.18‰(9 094/5 074万人),住院率为18.26%(1 661/9 094)。病例的症状以腹泻为主,男女比例接近1∶1,各年龄层的病例数以31~59岁年龄段最多[31.51%(8 633/27 397)];职业人群中最多的是散居儿童占比16.86%(4 620/27 397),学生占比16.48%(4 515/27 397),病例报告高峰在8~12月。病例暴露食品主要为混合食物7 392例(占比27.08%,7 392/27 297)、肉及肉制品4 511例(占比16.53%,4 511/27 297)、粮食类及其制品3 734例(占比13.68%,3 734/27 297);进食场所主要是家庭65.53%(17 954/27 397)、餐饮店15.03%(4 117/27 397)。对4 395例病例的粪便标本进行了采样检测,1 171份检测出致病菌,总体检出率为26.64%(1 171/4 395),其中,1 153份检出沙门菌,检出率为26.23%(1 153/4 395);16份检出副溶血弧菌,检出率为0.36%(16/4 395);2份检出大肠杆菌,检出率为0.05%(2/4 395);1份检出志贺菌,检出率为0.02%(1/4 395);7月份致病菌检出率最高,主要暴露食品为粮食及其制品。11份检出诺如病毒,检出率为0.25%(11/4 395);诺如病毒1月阳性检出率最高,主要暴露食品是肉及肉制品。结论 广东省2020年食源性疾病发病率较低但住院率有一定占比,粤东西部部分地区发病率低但住院率较高,珠三角地区发病率高但住院率低。病例分析显示家庭散居儿童和学生在全人群中占比高,主要发生在夏季,且沙门菌检出率较高,因此要加强对重点人群的防控。


    Objective To summarize the characteristics of foodborne diseases in Guangdong Province in 2020, and to provide scientific basis for prevention and control strategies.Methods The data from January 2020 to December 2020 in the National Foodborne Surveillance Reporting System (CFSA) were with descriptive epidemiological analysis, conducted according to the three distribution and pathogenic factors of the disease. SPSS 21.0 software was used for statistical analysis.Results In 2020, a total of 27 397 cases of foodborne diseases were reported, with an average annual incidence of 0.24‰ (27 397/115 210 000), a hospitalization rate of 10.66%(2 920/27 397), and no deaths. The incidence in the Pearl River Delta region was 0.28‰ (18 303/6 447 million). The hospitalization rate was 6.88% (1 259/18 303), and the incidence rate in eastern and northwestern Guangdong was 0.18‰ (9 094/5 074 million), and the hospitalization rate was 18.26% (1 661/9 094). The main symptoms of the cases were diarrhea, and the ratio of male to female was close to 1∶1. The number of cases in each age group was 31.51% (8 633/27 397) in the 31-59 age group. Among the occupational population, children living in the diaspora accounted for 16.86% (4 620/27 397), while students accounted for 16.48% (4 515/27 397). The peak of reported cases was from August to December. The main food exposed cases were mixed food 7 392 cases (27.08%, 7 392/27 297), meat and meat products 4 511 cases (16.53%, 4 511/27 297), grain and its products 3 734 cases (13.68%,3 734/27 297); The main feeding places were 65.53%(17 954/27 397) at home and 15.03%(4 117/27 397) at restaurants. Among 4 395 cases, 1 171 were positive for pathogenic bacteria, and the overall positive rate of pathogenic bacteria was 26.64% (1 171/4 395). The positive rate of Salmonella was 26.23% (1 153/4 395). Sixteen strains of Vibrio parahaemolyticus were positive, and the positive detection rate was 0.36% (16/4 395). Two strains of Escherichia coli were positive, and the positive detection rate was 0.05% (2/4 395). The positive rate of Shigella was 0.02% (1/4 395). The positive detection rate was the highest in July, and the main exposed food was grain and its products. Eleven cases were positive for norovirus and the overall positive rate was 0.25% (11/4 395). The positive rate of norovirus was the highest in January, and the main exposed food was meat and meat products.Conclusion The foodborne disease incidence of Guangdong Province in 2020 is low but the hospitalization rates have certain proportion, western part of guangdong region has low incidence but the hospitalization rate is higher, the pearl river delta region high incidence but hospitalization rate is low, cases analysis showed that family scattered children and students accounted for the high proportion of the crowd, the cases were mainly in the summer, Salmonella detection rate is higher, it should strengthen the focus on the prevention and control of the crowd.



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  • 收稿日期:2021-07-09
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  • 在线发布日期: 2023-07-03
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