
1.国家食品安全风险评估中心,北京 100022;2.辽宁省疾病预防控制中心,辽宁 沈阳 110005


潘峰 男 助理研究员 研究方向为营养与食品安全 E-mail: ccdcpf@126.com


李建文 男 副研究员 研究方向为营养与食品安全 E-mail: lijianwen@cfsa.net.cn





Assessment of sugar-sweetened beverages consumption and free sugar intake among urban residents aged 3 and above in China

1.China National Center for Food Safety Risk Assessment, Beijing 100022, China;2.Liaoning Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Liaoning Shenyang 110005, China

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    目的 了解我国3岁及以上城市居民含糖饮料消费状况,评估含糖饮料的游离糖摄入量及其供能比。 方法 采用多阶段分层与人口成比例的整群随机抽样方法,在我国18个省(自治区、直辖市),采用非连续3 d 24 h回顾调查方法,收集13 083名3岁及以上城市居民的各类食物包括含糖饮料的消费量。含糖饮料游离糖的含量数据来源于国家食品安全风险评估中心开展的饮料专项监测。采用简单分布评估方法分析我国3岁及以上城市居民通过含糖饮料摄入的游离糖及其供能比。 结果 我国3岁及以上城市居民含糖饮料消费率为11.35%(1 485/13 083),男性(12.14%, 768/6 326)高于女性(10.61%, 717/6 757),各年龄组中13~17岁组(27.20%, 139/511)最高,≥60岁组(3.29%, 62/1 884)最低。一般人群和消费人群含糖饮料消费量均值分别为18.49 g/d和162.89 g/d,中位数分别为0和130.00 g/d;各年龄组中,13~17岁组(一般人群为54.84 g/d,消费人群为201.61 g/d)最高,≥60岁组(一般人群为3.88 g/d,消费人群为117.77 g/d)最低。一般人群和消费人群通过含糖饮料摄入的游离糖分别为1.44 g/d和12.71 g/d,中位数分别为0和10.08 g/d,各年龄组中,13~17岁组P95(一般人群为25.71 g/d,消费人群为40.73 g/d)最高,18~29岁组P95(一般人群为19.24 g/d,消费人群为39.01 g/d)次之。一般人群和消费人群含糖饮料供能比分别为0.35%和3.06%,中位数分别为0和2.37%,各年龄组中13~17岁组P95(一般人群为6.04%,消费人群为9.31%)最高,≥60岁组P95(一般人群为0,消费人群为4.05%)最低。 结论 我国3岁及以上城市居民通过含糖饮料的游离糖摄入量及供能比尚处于较低水平,但儿童青少年饮料消费人群供能比的P95值已经接近10%。随着国民营养计划和健康中国行动的推进,建议开展有针对性的科普宣教,正确引导业界和饮料重点消费人群科学减糖,促进合理膳食。


    Objective To understand the sugar-sweetened beverages consumption, free sugar intake and its energy proportion among urban residents aged 3 and above in China. Methods According to stratified multistage cluster random sampling, this study selected the consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages of 13 083 people aged 3 and above in 18 provinces in China by three nonconsecutive 24 h dietary recalls. The data of sugar content in sugar-sweetened beverages was obtained from the special monitoring carried out by China National Center for Food Safety Risk Assessment. The simple distribution model was used to calculate individual free sugar intake and its energy proportion ratio of sugar-sweetened beverages per day. Results The consumption rate of sugar-sweetened beverages of urban residents aged 3 years and above in China was 11.35% (1 485/13 083), with that of men (12.14%, 768/6 326) was slightly higher than that of women (10.61%, 717/6 757). The consumption rate of sugar-sweetened beverages was highest in the 13-17 age group (27.20%, 139/511) and lowest in the group of over 60 (3.29%, 62/1 884). The average consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages in general population and consumers were 18.49 g/d and 162.89 g/d, respectively. The median consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages were and 130.00 g/d, respectively. The average consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages was the highest in 13-17 years old group (54.84 g/d in general population and 201.61 g/d in consumers, respectively) and lowest in the group of over 60 (3.88 g/d in general population and 117.77 g/d in consumers, respectively). The average free sugar intake via sugar-sweetened beverages in general population and consumers were 1.44 g/d and 12.71 g/d, respectively. The median free sugar intake were 0 and 10.08 g/d, respectively. The P95 value intake of free sugar was highest in 13-17 years old group (25.71 g/d in general population and 40.73 g/d in consumers, respectively) and followed by the group of 18-29 years old group (19.24 g/d in general population and 39.01 g/d in consumers, respectively). The average energy proportion ratio of sugar-sweetened beverages in general population and consumers were 0.35%TE and 3.06%TE, respectively. The median energy proportion ratio of sugar-sweetened beverages were 0 and 2.37%TE, respectively. The P95 value of energy proportion ratio of sugar-sweetened beverages was the highest in 13-17 years old group (6.04%TE in general population and 9.31%TE in consumers, respectively) and lowest in the group of over 60 (0 in general population and 4.05%TE in consumers, respectively). Conclusion The consumption, free sugar intake and free sugar energy proportion ratio via sugar-sweetened beverages among Chinese urban residents aged 3 and above were at low level. However, the P95 value of the energy proportion ratio of sugar-sweetened beverages was close to 10% in children and teenage consumers. With the promotion of the National Nutrition Program, education related to nutrition should be taken into account to guide the industry and targeted people to reduce sugar scientifically.



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  • 收稿日期:2021-10-12
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  • 在线发布日期: 2022-03-25
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