Abstract:To study the pollution levels of illegal nitrofuran veterinary drugs and β-agonist residues of marketed raw meat in Yantai.MethodsAccording to detection methods of standard operating procedure for the detection of veterinary drugs and illegal drugs in the 2013National Food Contamination and Harmful Factors Risk Workbook, 30samples of marketed pork, mutton, beef, liver in bulk in Yantai were detected for nitrofuran and its metabolites (furazolidone, furaltadone, nitrofurazone, nitrofurantoin) and β-agonists (clenbuterol, salbutamol, ractopamine, terbutaline). ResultsTwenty-eight samples were qualified(93.3%) and clenbuterol was detected in two samples. Six beef samples and four mutton samples were qualified and had the quarantine identifications. The pass rate of pork was 93.3% (14/15). Two pork samples had no quarantine identification, but they were qualified. The pass rate of liver samples was 80% (4/5), of which 1sample had no quarantine identification, and was unqualified.ConclusionOverall quality of marketed meat and meat products in Yantai was good. Nitrofuran and its metabolites were not detected, but clenbuterol was detected. We should enhance the monitoring and supervision.