Abstract:Object ive ?? To understand the situation of food production enterprises in com pliancew ith the techn ica l index o f food nutrition labeling in Ch ina??M ethod?? U sing questionna ires to conduc t a survey in 90 food production enterpr ises on the basic situa tion, product exam ination, the production and use o f nu trition labeling, as we ll as their understand ing o f and the perfo rm ing ability on the F ood Nu trition Labeling Managem ent Regulation. R esults?? There w ere 31 enterprises respond ing to the survey, accounted for 34.4% of tota l enterprises rece ived questionna ires. Am ong the responders, 51.6% o f them had passed the lab accred itation or me tro logy accredita tion and 67.7% of them had carr ied out nu trien ts ana ly sis. Them aster of nutrition labeling know ledge w as poo r in these ente rprises. Only about 30% o f the responders could answe r part o f the key po ints correctly. S tatistica lly, there was no sign ificant d ifference am ong the dom estic, jo int venture and overseas-funded enterprises?? Only 20 ( 64.5% ) enterpr isesm arked nu trient components on the package of the ir products, bu tm ost o f them did no tm eet the lega l requ irem ents. Conc lusion?? The use of nutr ition labeling on the package o f products is w idely, but the practice of m ost food enterpr ises could no t mee t lega l requ irem ents. The ma in reason is lack o f nutr ition know ledge.