Object ive?? To find out the current hygienic cond ition of cold dish process ing in Jiangdong district and to im prove the hea lth superv ision on processing co ld dishes. M ethod?? Establish ing an on??site hyg ien ic investiga tion and sam pling co ld d ishes and too ls for process ing co ld d ish from 72 sm a ll restauran ts. R esults?? Tw enty-n ine co ld d ishes w ere processed from unau thor ized restaurants, accounting for 40.28% of the to tal restaurants inv estig ated; Tw enty??four w ere processed in k itchen and 3 in d in ing-room where health facilities were no t com plete and the use o f these fac ilities w ere not standard ized. The tim e from cook ing to ea ting w as mo re than two hours in 54 restaurants. The fac ilities for d isinfecting a ir and too ls in co ld d ish room were prov ided in 27 restauran ts, accounting for 36.99%. Only in 40 restauran ts, the tem pe ra ture in cold d ish room w as lower than 25 in summ er. There we re 12 prac titioners in these restaurants w ithout health and tra in ing certificates. The qua lified ra te for restaurants w ith cold d ish pro cessing room and too ls w as higher than restaurants w ithout co ld dish pro cessing room. Conclusion?? Carry ing out specia l rectifica tion, enhanc ing supe rv ision and streng then public education is necessary.