Object ive?? To understand the current sta tus of lead contam ination in agr icultural products in Shunyidistrict. M ethod?? Samp lingvar iousag ricu ltural products, including cerea ls, vegetables and fru its, from 2002 to 2009 in Shuny i d istr ict, to mon ito r the contam ination of heavym eta l lead in ag ricu ltura l products. Results?? The 414 dataw ere obtained in strict qua lity con trol The qua lified rate of all sam ples w as 96.62%. The qua lified ra te of legum e sam ples w as on ly 77.78%. Conclusion?? The lead contam ination in cereals w as much m ore se rious than that in vegetables and fruits, and the lead contam ination in freshm ushroom and leafy vege tab les w asm ore serious among vegetables. M ore attention should be pa id on lead contam ina tion o f agr icultural products in Shuny i district