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Objective To understand the current situation of foodborne diseases prevalence and food contaminants in food in China. Methods Following the Tenth-five Years Plan, Food Safety Key Technology Program started up, the National Surveillance Network for Food Contamination and foodborne diseases have been strengthened and consummated. During the last three years, the surveillance regions have been extended to 16 provinces, which covered about 65.58 percent Chinese populations. There were 36 chemical contaminants, 10 food additives and 6 foodborne pathogens in 29 various food commodities were detected and analyzed. Results The contamination of arsenic and mercuric have basic controlled, but the lead and cadmium contamination seriously. The average levels of lead in fresh milk products and preserved eggs exceed the National Limits, and higher levels in sea food and swine kidney product. The diet intakes of lead in Chinese population, especially in 2 years young children, are higher than the ADI recommended by WHO. Seven of the ten kind food additives were over added in some food products. The result of the risk assessment indicated that all the limits of food additives set in the National Standards on Food Additives are safe. The chloropropanols levels detected in export natural fermented soy sauce products meet with China Industry Standard and Europe limits,but the higher levels were found in the individual regional markets. The residues of the highness toxicity pesticides were detected, especially, the tea products were seriously contaminated by the pyrethroid and orangophosphorus pesticides. National Surveillance Network for Foodborne Diseases has been developed. The data of foodborne diseases were collected and analyzed. There are 46.4% cases reported caused by foodborne pathogens, 24.1% by chemical contaminants and 14.7% by the toxic animal or plant foods. The main foodborne pathogens, such as Salmonella, Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Listeria monotocygenes, E.coli O157:H7, Campylabacter and Enterbacter sakazakii were isolated from various food especially meat and seafood products. Among hundreds Salmonella isolates from food, 20% of them are multiple antimicrobial resistant. A multiple antimicrobial resistant strain of Salmonella typhimurium was fund. The charaterization of antimicrobial resistant is quite similar to Salmonella typhimurium DT104. Conclude The results will be scientifically contributed for controlling the chemical and microbial hazards in food and their impact for human health, as well as for revising of food hygiene legislation and criteria in China.