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    • Evaluation index system for biomedical innovation ability system in China

      Online: March 24,2022

      Abstract (645) HTML (448) PDF 483.17 K (10064) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Objective Biomedical innovation has become the main battlefield of global science and technology competition, to explore the evaluation index system for biomedical innovation ability system, and to provide theoretical tools and new perspectives for the evaluation of biomedical innovation ability in China.Methods This article determines the key factors that affect biomedical innovation by literature investigation, Delphi expert consultation, normalization method based on expert score, principal component analysis and other methods.ResultsConclusion This article establishes an index system for biomedical innovation capability, the current status of biomedical innovation system in China was evaluated, and it was found that the policy environment, the number of researchers and the investment of R&D institutions played an important role in the development of biomedical innovation capacity in China, to provide support for enhancing China's biomedical innovation capability.

    • Determination of Sorbic,Benzoic acid in oily bean curd by gas chromatography

      Online: May 02,2012

      Abstract (1386) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (10682) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Objective To develop a method to detect benzoic,sorbic acid in high-fat foods like oily bean curd by capillary gas chromatography.Methods The samples were eliminated matrix interference by NaOH-ZnSO4,extracted by ultrasonic extraction,then filtered,centrifuged,acidized,extracted by ether,evaporated to dry,fixed using anhydrous ethanol and finally determined by capillary gas chromatography. Results The linear range was 0-300μg/ml (r>0.9990). the lowest detecting limits of sorbic,benzoic acid were 1mg/kg.The relative standard deviation was 1.07-3.14%, The recovery was 90.6-101.8%.Conclusion This method is simple,rapid accurate and reliable to detect the benzoic,sorbic acid of high-fat foods like oily bean curd.

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