• Volume 28,Issue 5,2016 Table of Contents
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    • >Expert Review
    • Overview of China food safety standard on food products

      2016, 28(5):557-566. DOI: 10.13590/j.cjfh.2016.05.001

      Abstract (1147) HTML (0) PDF 5.17 M (3211) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:By analyzing the current situation of China food safety standards and international food standards on food products, the article generalize and summarize the characteristic and similarities and differences in domestic and overseas food standards on food products. The article also think deeply and put forward work suggestions on the problems confronted by China food safety standards on food products.

    • >Original Reports
    • Analysis of antibiotic resistance genes and virulence genes in Salmonella typhimurium isolated from fecal samples of children under 5-year old by whole genome sequencing

      2016, 28(5):567-575. DOI: 10.13590/j.cjfh.2016.05.002

      Abstract (1116) HTML (0) PDF 7.49 M (2639) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on whole genome sequence analysis, the antibiotic resistance genes and virulence genes in Salmonella typhimurium, which was isolated from fecal samples of children under 5-year old, were investigated and their resistance mechanisms were tested.Methods The antimicrobial susceptibility of 321 Salmonella typhimurium strains isolated from fecal samples of diarrheal children under 5-year old was tested by broth microdilution method as the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute recommended.Then, Salmonella typhimurium strains S1, S2 and S3with different resistance phenotypes (S1:susceptible to all 12 tested antibiotics; S2:resistant to tetracycline only; S3:resistant to 10 antibiotics except imipenem and meropenem) were selected for whole genome sequences using Illumina Hiseq 2000. The antibiotic resistance genes and virulence genes were annotated with antibiotic resistance genes database (ARDB) and virulence factors of pathogenic bacteria database (VFDB). Comparing to Salmonella typhimurium str. LT2, the genetic mutation analysis of gyrA, gyrB, parC, and parE in the 3 tested strains was performed by GENtle software. Results All 321 Salmonella typhimurium isolates were susceptible to imipenem and meropenem, while 271 (84.4%, 271/321) and 269 (83.8%, 269/321) strains were resistant to tetracycline and ampicillin, respectively. Besides, 206 (64.2%, 206/321) showed multiple drug resistance, and 11 (3.4%, 11/321) strains were ESBLs-producing strains. The sizes of genome of S1, S2 and S3 were 4 876 427 bp (GC content:52.18%), 4 970 690 bp (GC content:52.14%)and 5 133 380 bp (GC content:51.87%), respectively. Furthermore, the ARDB annotation results showed that 18 out of 4 825 genes of S1,0 out of 4 936 genes of S2, and 32 out of 5 082 genes of S3 were associated with antibiotic resistance, respectively. In detail, tetA and sul2 genes were annotated in S2. While sul1/2/3, tetB, AAC(3)-IV, AAC(6′)-I, ANT(2″)-I, ANT(3″)-I, aphA1, blaCTX-M-14, blaOXA-1, catB3, cml_e1 and cml_e3 were annotated in S3. Compared with Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar typhimurium str. LT2, the 87th cod on of gyrA in S3 changed from GAC to AAC (Asp87→Asn). Meanwhile, the VFDB annotation results showed that 130 out of 4 825 genes of S1,9 out of 4 936 genes of S2, and 120 out of 5 082 genes of S3 were associated with virulence, and the major types of virulence were type three secretion system and adherence factors.Conclusion The antibiotic resistance of Salmonella typhimurium isolated from fecal samples of children under 5-year old was very serious. The resistance genes obtained by genome annotation were in good accordance with resistance phenotypes. Moreover, various virulence genes were annotated in this study. There sultscouldshed light on drug resistance mechanisms and pathogenicity of Salmonella typhimurium isolates, health risk assessment, and finally preventing and controlling the contamination of Salmonella typhimurium isolates.

    • >Study Reports
    • Laboratory-based confirmation of type B infant botulism

      2016, 28(5):576-580. DOI: 10.13590/j.cjfh.2016.05.003

      Abstract (874) HTML (0) PDF 5.16 M (1949) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Laboratory-based confirmation was performed on an enema sample from a suspected case of infant botulism.Methods Clostridium botulinum isolation and toxicity determination by mouse assay were carried out. Results Mice injected with the enema TPGY culture supernatant showed the typical signs of botulism including irritable, dyspnea, bellows breathing and quadriplegia before death. Mice injected with a trypsinilzed culture died, but those injected with the culture heated at 100 ℃ survived. The polyvalent botulinum neurotoxins (BoNTs) antitoxin and the monovalent BoNT type B antitoxin could protect mice from death. Also, Clostridium was isolated from the enema sample and further characterized by morphological characteristics, gram's stain, microscopic, biochemical test and detection of gene producing BoNT toxin by PCR. The result showed that Clostridium isolated from enema sample was C.botulinum that harbors gene producing type B BoNT.Conclusion The patient was associated with type B botulinum toxin poisoning.

    • Epidemiological analysis for vegetal food poisoning in China,2004-2013

      2016, 28(5):580-584. DOI: 10.13590/j.cjfh.2016.05.004

      Abstract (1250) HTML (0) PDF 5.29 M (3026) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Study the prevalence and epidemiological characteristics of the vegetal food poisoning in China, so as to provide scientific basis for early warning, prevention and control.Methods Descriptive study on the vegetal food poisoning data during 2004 to 2013 was collected from National Management Information System of Public Health Emergencies. Results 660 outbreaks of vegetal food poisoning were reported from 2004 to 2013, which cause 17 955 cases and 196 deaths. The fourth quarter of each year is the high prevalent season of the vegetal food poisoning. Yunnan, Guangxi, Sichuan, Guangdong and Guizhou Provinces had high incidence of vegetal food poisoning. Haricot bean poisoning accounted for 53.3% of the total number of events. Monkshood, tung, castor seed, germination of potato and gelsemine caused poisoning accounted for 24.5% of the total number of events. The main location that the vegetal food poisoning occurred was canteens. Improper food processing and mistaking were the main cause.Conclusion It's important to enhance supervision and management from farm to table, and standardize food labeling and food promotion. Appropriate countermeasures such as timely warning, surveillance, and health education should be taken.

    • Epidemiological analysis on the characteristics of food poisoning incidents in Beijing from 2004 to 2014

      2016, 28(5):585-589. DOI: 10.13590/j.cjfh.2016.05.005

      Abstract (946) HTML (0) PDF 6.00 M (2618) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To analyze the epidemiological characteristic of foodborne poisoning incidents from 2004 to 2014 in Beijing,in order to provide scientific basis for the effective prevention and control of food poisoning. Methods The data of food poisoning incidents in Beijing from 2004 to 2014 were analyzed with descriptive epidemiologic method.Results There were 468 food poisoning incidents reported,resulting in 7 199 cases and 1 death.The number of food poisoning incidents in Beijing was decreased, and then kept stable from 2010 to 2014.August and September were the peak time of food poisoning.The main responsible units for foodborne poisoning incidents were catering units (143 cases, 1 739 cases) and the enterprise and institution canteens (118 cases, 2 145 cases), of which the number of incidents and that of cases were in the top two. The main pathogenic factors were bacteria, poisonous plants and chemicals. Incidents of bacterial food poisoning were mainly caused by Vibro parahemolyticus (18.36%), Staphylococcus aureus enterotoxin (13.53%), Proteus (12.56%), etc. Hyacinth bean toxin was responsible for 89.14% of the incidents caused by poisonous plant.Incidents of chemical food poisoning were mainly caused by nitrite (76.09%).Conclusion Health education was essential for preventing poisonous plants and bacterial food poisoning, and regulation of catering units and collective canteens should be strengthen.

    • Epidemiological analysis on the surveillance results of foodborne diseases in Jilin Provincein, 2013-2015

      2016, 28(5):589-593. DOI: 10.13590/j.cjfh.2016.05.006

      Abstract (1223) HTML (0) PDF 6.19 M (2334) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To analyze the epidemiological characteristics of foodborne disease in Jilin Province in 2013-2015, and to propose targeted measures and recommendations for the prevention and control of foodborne disease outbreaks.Methods Descriptive analysis and statistical tests were used to analyze data from foodborne disease surveillance and report system in Jilin Province in 2013-2015. Results There were 12 049 cases of foodborne diseases in Jilin Province in 2013-2015. Among all specimens for pathogen detection collected from 11 497 cases, 807 patients were detected positive for pathogenic microorganisms. The overall foodborne pathogen detection rate was 7.02%; the detection rate was 15.63% (389/2 489) for Norovirus, 2.54% (283/11 141) for Salmonella, 1.32% (147/11 167) for Diarrheagenic E.coli, 0.08% (9/11 153) for Shigella, 0.06% (6/9410) for Vibrio parahaemolyticus, and 0.00% (0/201) for Yersinia nterocolitica. Norovirus, Salmonella and Diarrheagenic E.coli were more common foodborne than Shigella, Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Yersinia enterocolitica in Jilin Province (P<0.05). The detection rate of Norovirus in the first quarter (31.00%) was the highest in the year; the detection rate of Salmonella in the second and third quarters (3.78%, 3.12%) were higher than the first and fourth quarters; the detection rate of Diarrheagenic E.coli in the second and third quarters (1.32%, 1.69%) were also higher than the first and fourth quarters; the detection rates of Shigella and Vibrio parahaemolyticus in the third quarter (0.14 %, 0.15%) were the highest. Norobvirus detection rates were higher in over 85 year-old group and under 5 year-old group (20.00%, 18.90%), the detection rates of Salmonella and Diarrheagenic E.coli were the highest in under 5 year-old group (3.38%, 1.75 %). The detection rate of foodborne pathogens in 2015 was higher than those in 2013 and 2014 (P<0.05), and the detection rate was lower in the fourth quarter than the other three quarters (P<0.05).The detection rate had no significant difference between genders (P>0.05). Those under 5 years old, commercial service staff, urban residents had the highest detection rate of foodborne pathogens (P<0.05). Conclusion Since 2013, pathogen detection rate of foodborne disease in Jilin Province has been increasing year by year. The detection rates in the first, second and third quarters were higher than the fourth quarter. Norovirus, Salmonella and Diarrheagenic E.coli wer e main pathogens, and those under 5 years old and commercial service staff were vulnerable group.

    • Evaluation of epidemiological survey quality for foodborne disease outbreak events in Gansu from 2012 to 2014

      2016, 28(5):594-597. DOI: 10.13590/j.cjfh.2016.05.007

      Abstract (834) HTML (0) PDF 5.10 M (2319) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To evaluate the epidemiological survey quality for foodborne disease outbreak events in Gansu, and to provide references for investigation, disposal and report.Methods Collecting epidemiological investigation reports from 2012 to 2014, and evaluating the reports according to the requirements of Foodborne Disease Handle Standards and Guidelines. Results Among 52 reports of outbreak incidents, it was ubiquitous that the descriptive epidemiological analysis was not systematic and detailed. Food hygiene investigation focused on the general hygiene investigation, while ignored the investigation of the outbreak cause. The lab evidence of some incidents was not enough to determine the cause.Conclusion There were much deficiency in epidemiological investigation quality of foodborne disease outbreak, including field investigation, data analysis, laboratory results interpreting, etc. Therefore, it was necessary to enhancing the training for emergency preparedness.

    • Characteristics and countermeasures for foodborne diseases during 2002 to 2014 in Nanning

      2016, 28(5):597-601. DOI: 10.13590/j.cjfh.2016.05.008

      Abstract (1109) HTML (0) PDF 6.41 M (2211) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to find out the epidemic features and occurrence trends of foodborne diseases in Nanning, and provide scientific basis for countermeasures.Methods Collecting information from Nanning CDC during 2002-2014, and analyzing the epidemic characteristics of foodborne diseases. Results During 2002-2014, there were 366 foodborne diseases incidents, including 5 894 infected and 17 dead cases. Months between March and October were the high occurrence periods of foodborne diseases, accounting for 264 incidents, 72.13% of the total. The incidents were mainly distributed in 6 urban areas, accounting for 275 incidents, 75.14% of the total. The incidents usually happened in schools and small restaurant, accounting for 73.85% of the total. The main pathogen was pathogenic bacterium, with a total of 141 incidents, accounting for 38.52% of the total.Conclusion Foodborne disease caused by pathogenic bacteria was still one of the main public health concerns in Nanning, and case reports and monitoring need more improvements.

    • >Experimental Technique and Method
    • Development of a real-time PCR method for the raccoon dog meat

      2016, 28(5):602-605. DOI: 10.13590/j.cjfh.2016.05.009

      Abstract (862) HTML (0) PDF 5.62 M (2065) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To establish a TaqMan-based real-time PCR approach to determine raccoon dog meat.Methods TaqMan primers and probe sets were designed by mitochondrial Cytb gene of raccoon dog species and PCR system was optimized to achieve real-time PCR and quick detection of products. Results This method had good specificity, and the detection limit was 10-4 ng DNA of raccoon dog.Conclusion This method could well meet the requirements of actual food testing.

    • Detection and analysis of the residue of sulphur dioxide in food

      2016, 28(5):605-609. DOI: 10.13590/j.cjfh.2016.05.010

      Abstract (1084) HTML (0) PDF 7.23 M (2315) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Using Kjeldahl distiller pretreatment and electronic titrator titration to determine sulfur dioxide residue in samples, and analyze the content of sulphur dioxide in food.Methods According to the distillation and titration of sulfur dioxide residue from 1 125 samples of 29 kinds, detection limit, precision and standard recovery of this method were further studied and test data were analyzed. Results The detection limit of Kjeldahl distillation-electronic titration iodine titration method was 0.010 g/kg, with RSD of 2.4%-5.1% and standard recovery of 87.0%-99.6%. Among the total of 1 125 samples, 20.8% were detected with sulfur dioxide, and 19.1% were detected but did not exceed the limit of maximum residue.Conclusion Kjeldahl distillation-electronic titration iodine titration method is rapid, accurate, and suitable for sulphur dioxide detection in food. Among several samples such as candied fruit, biscuit, vermicelli and dried shrimp, the sulfur dioxide residues were exceptional and higher than the limit of maximum residue in China, which is a potential safety risk.

    • Detection of 4-methylimidazole in beer by solid-phase extraction coupled with ultra high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry

      2016, 28(5):610-613. DOI: 10.13590/j.cjfh.2016.05.011

      Abstract (708) HTML (0) PDF 5.88 M (2156) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To establish a method for the detection of 4-methylimidazole in beer by solid-phase extraction (SPE) coupled with ultra high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS/MS).Methods Samples were extracted by water and purified by Agala PCX solid phase extraction column, then the sample was separated in a Waters ACQUITY BEH C18 column (100 mm×2.1 mm, 1.7 μm). The 4-methylimidazole was determined by UPLC-MS/MS in the multiple-reaction monitoring (MRM) mode and quantified by internal standard. Results The calibration curve had a good linearity in the range of 1.0-200 μg/L with correlation coefficient of 0.999 3. The detection limit was 6 μg/kg. The average recoveries at three spiked levels were in the range of 88.2%-89.6%, and the relative standard derivation was below 5%.Conclusion The method is simple, rapid, sensitive and accurate, which could be used for the detection of 4-methylimidazole in beer.

    • Determination of aflatoxin M1 in milk by ultra high performanceliquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry

      2016, 28(5):613-616. DOI: 10.13590/j.cjfh.2016.05.012

      Abstract (826) HTML (0) PDF 6.03 M (2251) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:An ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry method was developed and validated for the analysis of aflatoxin M1in milk.Methods Samples were extracted and cleaned by SPE cartridge. Extracts were analyzed for aflatoxin M1by LC-MS/MS in a single injection with positive electrospray ionization (ESI) mode for aflatoxin M1. Results Recoveries were 94.8%-98.2% in the range of 0.1-10.0 ng/ml with RSDs less than 3.87%. The limit of quantification was 0.005 μg/kg.Conclusion This essay provides an effective way to detect aflatoxin M1 in milk.

    • Detection of perchlorate in tea by ultra high performance liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry and isotope dilution method

      2016, 28(5):616-619. DOI: 10.13590/j.cjfh.2016.05.013

      Abstract (1205) HTML (0) PDF 6.34 M (2427) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To establish a method for the determination of perchlorate in tea by ultra high performance liquid chromatography and tandem mass spectrometry.Methods The perchlorate residue in tea was extracted with 0.2% acetic acid, and the supernatant was cleaned up with Carb SPE, the detection was performed by ultra high performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry with internal standard method for quantitative. Results The calibration curve was linear in the concentration range of 0.25-50 μg/L (r2=0.999 6), the recovery was in the range of 95.6%-120.0%, the relative standard deviation (RSD) was in the range of 1.9%-17.5%, and the limit of detection of perchlorate was 2.5 μg/kg.Conclusion The method is suitable for the determination of perchlorate in tea with more simplicity, accuracy and high sensitivity.

    • Efficiency evaluation of special fatty acid to discriminate bio-waste oils from edible vegetable oils

      2016, 28(5):620-624. DOI: 10.13590/j.cjfh.2016.05.014

      Abstract (992) HTML (0) PDF 8.14 M (2116) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To establish a method of gas chromatography-mass spectrometry to discriminate characteristic fatty acid from edible oil and evaluate the potential application to identify bio-waste oil from edible vegetable oil.Methods 22 mixtures of edible vegetable and bio-waste oils, 20 fried waste oils, 7 refined bio-waste oils, 9 original edible vegetable oil, 48 refined edible vegetable oil, 6 palm oils and 5 edible oils with flavor were prepared. After methyl esterification treatment, using UF-mFFAP capillary column gas chromatography column (30 m×0.25 mm, 0.25 μm), oil samples were analyzed by gas phase chromatography tandem-mass spectrometry for the detection of undecanoic acid methyl ester and 13 methyl tetradecanoic acid methyl ester. Results were under statistical tests according to sample categories to evaluate the effectiveness of waste oil identification using characteristic fatty acids. Results Dodecanoic acid could be used as the indicator for oils derived from animals, undecanoic acid could be used as the indicator for repeatedly fried oil. The combination of them could provide a sound basis for identification of edible vegetable oil and bio-waste oil.Conclusion The method for examining undecanoic acid methyl ester and dodecanoic acid methyl ester was of high sensitivity and good specificity, but false negative results can be obtained when vegetable oil is mixed with bio-waste oils. Other measures are necessary to improve the effectiveness to identify bio-waste oil from edible vegetable oil.

    • Determination of astragaloside IV in Radix astragali by ultra high performance luquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry

      2016, 28(5):624-627. DOI: 10.13590/j.cjfh.2016.05.015

      Abstract (780) HTML (0) PDF 6.73 M (2278) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To establish a method for determination of astragaloside IV in Radix astragali by UPLC-MS/MS.Methods Radix astragali was extracted with methanol-ammonia (3∶1, V/V) for 30 min by ultrasonic, the astragaloside IV was monitored via the ESI+ionization model and quantified by multiple reaction monitoring(MRM), using m/z 785.4/143.108 and m/z 785.4/473.391 as qualitative ion pair and m/z 785.4/143.108 as quantitative ion pair. Results The calibration curve of astragaloside IV was in good linearity over the ranges of 60.0-12 000 ng/ml (r=0.999 3), the average recovery was 91.7%, and the detection limit was 68.2 μg/kg. Conclusion This method was accurate, rapid, easy to operate, and the methodology validation showed that it was suitable for the determination of astragaloside IV in Radix astragali.

    • >Food Safety Standard and Administration
    • Studies on current status and countermeasures of pesticide usage in strawberry

      2016, 28(5):628-633. DOI: 10.13590/j.cjfh.2016.05.016

      Abstract (1172) HTML (0) PDF 9.77 M (2733) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Affected by the reports about usages of swelling agents, strawberry has been in the limelight for pesticide residues and quality safety. This paper summarizes the present status of diseases, pests and pesticide use of strawberry, comparatively analyzes the pesticide maximum residue limits (MRLs) of China and other main trading countries or regions in the world, carries on the risk analysis combined with the actual production, and brings forward reasonable countermeasures of pesticide usage for strawberry safety production in China. It can hopefully be a reference to strawberry producers and related departments.

    • An analysis on the supervision and management for the food safety of the online ordered meal

      2016, 28(5):634-637. DOI: 10.13590/j.cjfh.2016.05.017

      Abstract (1518) HTML (0) PDF 6.65 M (2452) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper discusses how to make effective supervision on food safety under internet environment from several aspects such as the great difficulty of online ordering supervision, the absence of review by third party platform, the lack of the relevant laws and regulations and the great difficulty to protect consumer rights. Some suggestions are put forward such as establishing and improving the access permission mechanism of online ordering operators, the introduction of “unknown buyers”, the system of “network and transparent kitchen”, the system of credit evaluation, and the system of tort compensation.

    • >Investigation
    • Investigation on the distribution range of the essential nutrients contents in older infants formula in China

      2016, 28(5):638-643. DOI: 10.13590/j.cjfh.2016.05.018

      Abstract (1267) HTML (0) PDF 10.15 M (1937) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This study aimed at a better understanding of the distribution range of the essential nutrients contents in older infants formula (6-12 month) in China, discussed the influence of the new requirements proposed by Codex Alimentarius Commission(CAC), and could provide references for the further revision of related national standards.Methods Based on 1 476 case data from older infants formulas in the market, the content of essential nutrients which were ruled by GB 10767-2010 was determined and compared with the limit value of GB 10767-2010. Results For some essential nutrients whose upper limits have not been defined in GB 10767-2010, the measured values were 3.23-1 525.94 times higher than the lower limit, and the 95 percentile of the values was 2.27-9.42 times higher than the lower limit. The formulas in China would be impacted considerably by the following recommendation from the CAC:protein, fat, thiamine, biotin, sodium, potassium, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus and so on.Conclusion Although the upper limit was not defined, most of the follow-up formula for older infants in China controlled the essential nutrients contents to no more than 5 times of the GB lower limit. But some of the formulas were significantly higher than normal. It was suggested that the upper limit in related national standard for older infants and young children formula should be further revised and perfected.

    • Investigation on peresent situation and influential factors of protein content in raw milk in China

      2016, 28(5):644-647. DOI: 10.13590/j.cjfh.2016.05.019

      Abstract (1012) HTML (0) PDF 7.19 M (2236) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To study the protein content in raw milk in China, and analyze the influencing factors.Methods Testing results of protein content included 30 531 raw milk samples, with a range of 12 consecutive months from January 2014 to February 2015 and 18 dairy companies from 17 provinces (municipalities and autonomous regions). The data were analyzed by SPSS 19.0 software. Results The average protein content in raw milk was (3.14±0.15) g/100 g. The average protein content in raw milk of large-scale dairy farms, farming communities and household farmers were respectively (3.18±0.14), (3.07±0.12) and (3.00±0.14) g/100 g. The average protein content in raw milk in big cities from South, West, North, Northeast China, Inner Mongolia and surrounding areas were respectively (3.17±0.14), (3.16±0.14), (3.14±0.17), (3.09±0.17) and (3.09±0.10) g/100 g. The average protein content in raw milk in spring, summer, autumn and winter were respectively (3.09±0.13), (3.07±0.13), (3.21±0.13) and (3.20±0.14) g/100 g.Conclusion The protein content of more than 80% raw milk in China was above 3.0 g/100 g. Protein content in raw milk was affected by breeding patterns, breeding areas and seasons. Fat content, non-fat milk solid content and relative density were positively correlated with protein content in raw milk.

    • Investigation on epidemiological characteristics and risk factors of acute gastroenteritis among residents in Miyun District of Beijing

      2016, 28(5):648-652. DOI: 10.13590/j.cjfh.2016.05.020

      Abstract (1168) HTML (0) PDF 8.94 M (2113) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To understand the prevalence, incidences, epidemiological characteristics and the influencing factors of acute gastroenteritis among residents in Miyun District of Beijing, find out the monthly and annual incidences of acute gastroenteritis, and estimate the foodborne proportion to provide a reference for the prevention and control of food borne diseases.Methods Multistage random sampling was used to carry out a retrospective cross-sectional survey for 12 months. EpiData 3.02 software was used to double entry database, and the data were simulated and calculated by SPSS 20.0 software and @risk 5.5 software. Results The response rate was 99.05% in 1 664 respondents, acute gastroenteritis prevalence rate was 2.28% (95%CI:1.57%-3.00%), and annual incidence rate was 0.30 (95%CI:0.29-0.31) times per person per year. About 143.7 thousand residents had acute gastroenteritis each year with 30.30% of foodborne.Conclusion The acute gastroenteritis incidents among residents in Miyun District of Beijing was high, the number of patients was big, much of which was foodborne. Season, education level and family size were the risk factors for acute gastroenteritis. It's necessary to strengthen the monitoring of acute gastroenteritis, expand the scope of monitoring, carry out regular investigation in communities, increase the sample size appropriately to obtain more accurate and comprehensive survey data, and implement intervention measures and assessments.

    • The concentration and distribution monitoring of estrogens-like compounds in food purchased in Changsha City

      2016, 28(5):653-657. DOI: 10.13590/j.cjfh.2016.05.021

      Abstract (972) HTML (0) PDF 10.88 M (1793) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To monitor the concentration and distribution of estrogens-like compounds (ECs) in fresh food purchased in Changsha City and provide fundamental database for the pollutant traceability as well as its hazard control.Methods Abided by stratified sampling method, 172 food samples were purchased randomly from markets. Bisphenol A (BPA), nonyl phenol (NP), ethinyloestradiol (EE2) and estradiol (E2) levels in food was detected by LC-MS/MS method, and the concentration relationship between different ECs compounds was analyzed by spearman correlation test. In addition, the tendency of ECs occurring in food categories was explored by correspondence analysis. Results ECs existed in all samples more or less and presented NP>BPA>E2>EE2 in detection rate. Moreover, the Spearman correlation test and correspondence analysis revealed BPA was low but positively associated with NP and EE2 in content.Conclusion Concentration of selected ECs component in food is considerably below limitation, however, the co-existence of multiple ECs may enlarge their health effects.

    • Research on the analysis method standards of national food safety standards system

      2016, 28(5):658-661. DOI: 10.13590/j.cjfh.2016.05.022

      Abstract (951) HTML (0) PDF 7.51 M (2967) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To introduce and analyze the analysis method standards of national food safety standard, including management, frame structure, development of analysis method standard, and so on.

    • >Risk Monitoring
    • Investigation on arsenic contamination of fruits and vegetables to evaluate the health risk of Shaanxi residents

      2016, 28(5):662-666. DOI: 10.13590/j.cjfh.2016.05.023

      Abstract (948) HTML (0) PDF 11.15 M (1826) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to understand the situation of arsenic contamination on fruits and vegetables, and to assess the health risk for local residents.Methods The arsenic contents of 1 270 vegetable samples and 363 fruit samples were analyzed according to year, botanical classification and geographical segment. The risk of arsenic intake was evaluated by the dietary arsenic PTWI recommended by JECFA. The health risk was assessed using USEPA health risk assessment model. Results The average content of arsenic ranged from 0.013 to 0.036 mg/kg in recent 4 years, and there was no significant difference among eight vegetable categories. The content in melon-fruit was 0.052 mg/kg, higher than the other kinds of fruits. The contamination in the samples from Baoji, Yan'an and Shangluo was higher than the other regions. Overall, the intake of arsenic through vegetables and fruits for residents in Shaanxi Province was lower than the dietary arsenic PTWI recommended by JECFA, and the individual health risk of arsenic was lower than the standard of ICRP, but there was still a potential safety risk to the high exposure population.Conclusion The arsenic contamination was found in a few samples, but it was safe in dietary level for Shaanxi inhabitants. It's necessary to further investigate the potential safety risk of arsenic.

    • Investigation and analysis of organic phosphorus pesticides residue in cured meat products in 9 provinces

      2016, 28(5):667-670. DOI: 10.13590/j.cjfh.2016.05.024

      Abstract (1162) HTML (0) PDF 7.89 M (1996) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To investigate 12 organic phosphorus pesticides residue in cured meat products in parts of China based on gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS).Methods With random sampling method, a total of 863 samples of cured meat products were collected from small restaurants, supermarkets, farmers' markets and online shops in 9 provinces. All samples were detected by GC-MS. Results 38 samples (4.40%) were detected organic phosphorus pesticides, and most of them was dichlorvos (4.17%). In addition, multiple organic phosphorus pesticides were detected in some samples. The highest detection rate was 24.27% from Yunnan Province. The highest detection rate was from farmers' markets and in bulk.Conclusion Organic phosphorus pesticides were detected in cured meat products in China, especially dicholorvos and dipterex.

    • >Risk Assessment
    • Quantitative microbiological risk assessment for Salmonella contamination in raw chicken from retail to table

      2016, 28(5):671-676. DOI: 10.13590/j.cjfh.2016.05.025

      Abstract (1300) HTML (0) PDF 9.98 M (2325) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To assess the health risk of Salmonella contamination in retail raw chicken, and provide potential interventions.Methods Combining quantitative monitoring data of Salmonella in retail raw chicken with specific survey results of storage and processing in retail and household, the risk of Salmonella poisoning through cross-contamination in the kitchen was estimated, and the effects of the potential interventions was evaluated using Monte Carlo stochastic assessment method. Results The cross-contamination model of raw chicken-Salmonella from retail to table was constructed in this study. During raw chicken retail storage, carriage and home storage, the model predicted that Salmonella concentration (lg MPN/g) of increased to 2.163,2.241 and 3.028 respectively from -0.017 in retail front. The model also estimated the chicken-Salmonella poisoning probability for Chinese residents is 0.17 (95%CI:0.000-0.767) per meal, and the most important risk factor was the storage methods in retail (regression coefficient=0.72). Scenario analysis suggested that, if the retail applied frozen or refrigerated storage, the risk could be reduced to 0.03 per meal (95%CI:0.000-0.522).Conclusion The risk of chicken-Salmonella poisoning was high in China, and cold chain management of raw chicken in retail chain should be strengthened.

    • Dietary mercury exposure assessment among population in Jinan

      2016, 28(5):676-679. DOI: 10.13590/j.cjfh.2016.05.026

      Abstract (893) HTML (0) PDF 7.63 M (2315) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To investigate the overall dietary mercury contamination in main foods and assess the risk for Jinan residents.Methods Surveillance on mercury contents in grains, vegetables, edible fungi and algae, livestock and poultry, dairy products, eggs and aquatic products was conducted in Jinan from 2010 to 2012. According to the average food intake of Shandong residents and the mercury PTWI 4 μg/kg BW in food established by JECFA in 2010, the point assessment method was applied to assess the exposure risk for local residents and to describe the characteristics of the risks. Results 175 food samples of 8 kinds were tested. The average mercury contents were 19.01 μg/kg, and the 50th percentile (P50) was 9.00 μg/kg. The total detection rate was 97.14% and the violation rate was 8.57%. The mercury was detected in all samples and the detection rate in aquatic products was the lowest (89.36%). The mercury content in chicken liver was the highest (83.60 μg/kg). The average weekly mercury intake from food in Jinan was estimated to be 1.31 μg/kg BW, accounted for 32.75% of PTWI. Grains, vegetables and livestock meat together contributed 73.28% to the total dietary mercury intake.Conclusion The level of dietary mercury exposure from food in Jinan was within safety limit.

    • >Review
    • Research progress of sterigmatocystin pollution in food

      2016, 28(5):680-682. DOI: 10.13590/j.cjfh.2016.05.027

      Abstract (963) HTML (0) PDF 5.74 M (2351) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Sterigmatocystin, a kind of mycotoxins that were produced by fungi (Aspergillus versicolor), mainly contaminates the cereals and cereal-based foods and has potential carcinogenicity to humans and animals. This article summarizes the latest contamination data of sterigmatocystin in cereals, cereal-based foods, cheese, nuts and beers, aiming at providing references for further research.

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