XU Fen-fen , XU Jing-ye , SONG Qi-fa , QIU Li-xiao , CHEN Mei-fen , JIN Xiao-xia
MA Li-dan , WANG Dian-fu , JIN Dong-quan , GAO Shi-guang
Abstract:Objective To understand the situation of Listeria monocytogenes(Lm) contamination level in the imported seafoods passed through Dandong Port. Method The 1?060 batches of seafood imported through Dandong Port in the period of 2005-2006 were inspected by mini-VIDAS rapid screening and BBL Crystal confirmation system. Results 11 batches were Lm positive, the positive rate was 1.04%. Serological agglutination test showed that 8 strains were 1/2a,2 strains were 4b and 1 strain was 4e.Conclusion Listeria monocytogenes contamination in the imported seafoods passed through Dandong is very serious,suggesting that related department should pay attention to this problem and strengthen the surveillance.
LI Zhong-ping , YANG Xiao-ke , LIU Zu-sen
Abstract:目的 提供核电站兴建和投入运行初期,深圳地区所生产的6类主要食品粮食、蔬菜、水果、肉类、水产和牛奶10年间检测的放射性平均活度水平基础资料.方法 在核电站周围20 km选择5个农产品生产基地为定期采样点,在30~40 km和市郊设随机抽样对照点,每年采样1~2次.按国家标准《食品中放射性物质检验》(GB14883.1-1994)、《生物样品中放射性核素的7能谱分析方法》(GB,T 16145-1995)、《生活饮用水标准检验法》(GB5750-1985)检测.结果 共检测了568个样品.6类食品中的总α、总β比活度和放射性核素活度波动水平范围分别为:总α 0.1~44.3、总β 1.0~207.3、90Sr 3~250m、137 Cs 1~249 m、226Ra 7~347m、232 Th 20~478 m、40 K 20~100 Bq/kg.结论 定点与对照点采集的样品检测结果差异无统计学意义,均低于国家标准规定的年摄入量限值.
ZHU Jie , YANG Xin , FENG Jin-fang , SHI Zhi-xiong , ZHAO Yun-feng , ZHOU Yan-ming , WU Yong-ning
Abstract:目的 建立牛奶中有机氯农药和拟除虫菊酯类农药的快速多残留测定方法.方法 以顶空固相微萃取作为前处理手段,采用气相色谱-质谱联用方法测定牛奶样品中31种农药组分(其中有机氯农药23种,拟除虫菊酯类农药8种),并以13C6-六氯苯和13C10-灭蚁灵作为稳定的同位素内标物,采用内标法定量.结果 方法的最低检测限在0.002~0.2μg/L之间,回收率在85%~110%之间.相对标准差在3%~12%之间.结论 该方法快速、简单、准确、可靠、环保.适用于批量牛奶样品中农药残留的筛查.
YAN Jun-de , LI Ting , ZHOU Qun-xia , LI Yan-ping
Abstract:Objective To realize the food hygiene status of rural familial banquets in Jiangsu Province and provide scientific evidence for the sanitation supervision. Method A surveies of questionnaires and detection were conducted for 238 rural familial banquets. Results The overall hygiene levels of rural familial banquets were very poor, Layouts and facilities of treatment food were reasonless and fewer, intereross pollution were very serious, dishes were not disinfected and the status of personal hygiene of cooks were poor. The qualified rates of Colon bacillus on the dishes and microbes on the surface of chopping block were 44.20% and 18.42% respectively. The analysis of logistic regression indicated that the qualified rates of pesticide residues in vegetables and microbe survival in cooked meat were 95.90% and 64.52% respectively. K-W test showed the rate presented a decline trend from February to June. Conclusion It was suggested that more supervisions could be needed in order to improve the hygiene status of rural familial banquets.
LIU Jing-xiu , ZENG Jing , WANG Xiao-yan , ZHU Hong-da , WANG Jing-yu
Abstract:Objective To study the relationships of lead concentrations and lead isotope ratios between adult blood and urine, and the area effects of lead isotope ratios. Method Lead concentrations and isotope ratios were determined by ICP-MS, and were corrected by CAIS for matrix effect. Results The lead concentrations in adult blood and urine may be significant differences in the same city, the lead isotope ratios in adult blood and urine also may be significant differences in the same city; the lead isotope ratios in adult blood in Beijing and Chengdu may be significant differences. Conehtsion The lead in urine could not reflect the lead concentration and lead isotope ratios in human body as a biomarker; the lead isotope ratio values in adult urine might depend on area difference; the human body may be able to fractionate the lead isotopes.
MEI Ling-ling , GAO Wen-jie , ZHU Min , PAN Jun-hang , ZHANG Jun-yan , WANG Wei , BANG De-xia , ZHANG Yan-jun
Abstract:目的 掌握浙江省淡、海水鱼中香港海鸥型菌污染状况,为防止食源性香港海鸥型菌痛的发生和流行提供科学依据。方法 用改良头孢哌酮麦康凯琼脂分离,API20NE鉴定香港海鸥型菌。K-B纸片扩散法作耐药性测定。通用引物扩增16S rDNA并与香港海鸥型菌HKU1株开展同源性比较。结果 369份样品检出香港海鸥型菌18株。阳性率为4.88%,其中,鲤鱼检出率为25.00%,草鱼的阳性率为10.26%,海水鱼以及鲫鱼、鲢鱼、扁鱼等淡水鱼中未分离出。分离的香港海鸥型菌16SrDNA序列与HKU1株仅相差1~2个碱基,同源性在99.6%~100.0%之间;18株菌对头孢拉定、万古霉素、甲硝唑、克林霉素、头孢哌酮完全耐药,对红霉素、亚胺培南、克拉霉素、氨曲南、庆大霉素、丁胺卡那霉素、三甲氧苄氨嘧啶、四环素、氯霉素、多粘菌素B、环丙沙星完全敏感,对头孢噻吩、胺苄西林、头孢曲松的耐药性分别为83.33%、61.11%和5,56%。结论浙江省存在香港海鸥型菌污染源,建议相关监督部门应加大这类产品的管理力度。防止香港海鸥型菌病在我省的发生和传播。
Abstract:目的 对现时卫生局执行食品卫生检查所使用的工具进行评估。方法 以问卷访谈及观察比较评估卡及通知笔录表的使用性及适用性对数据收集的质量影响评估。结果 成功访问了24名卫生检查员,占合资格受访者92%。评估卡、通知笔录表分别属于定序及定类的检查评估表,两表在同类场所的使用率均达100%,个别地区卫生工作组(3/7;42.9%)以评估卡作为非同类场所的卫生检查,使用率较原先设计的评估卡使用范围超出近30%。在检查项目内容方面,参照美国疾病预防控制中心的相关数据,两评估表的关键点各占总项的12.9%及11.1%;相对其他国家地区同类型的检查表,关键点平均相差少38.3%及40.1%,内容亦欠缺个人卫生、时间及温度三方面的关键点。在项目内容的评核方面,受访者对同一场所中“垃圾”及“食物安放”两检查项的评核分数似出现离散现象,其中,高年资的受访者“垃圾”检查项集中在2分至1分,低年资受访者则由4分至2分不等,但两者差异并无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。在信息收集工具的选取方面,90%以上的卫生检查员认为通知笔录表较评估卡更适用于日常的卫生稽查,然而,一半以上的卫生检查员亦认为评估卡的量化检查及总分评估皆有助对场所的食品安全卫生进行整体评估。结论 评估表的标准化以及内容的调整是目前食品安全信息数据收集品质的迫切改善问题:当中,适当的引入关键控制点是提升数据品质的根本源。另外,随着饮食业的不断变化,合并两信息收集工具及扩大评估表的使用范围将有利于整个食品安全监测网的完善发展。
WANG Hai-xia , Hu Gao-sheng , Meng Ya , JIA Jing-ming
Abstract:目的 有效地控制冬虫夏草发酵液冻干粉的质量.方法 建立了测定虫草素和腺苷含量的反相高效液相色谱法(RP-HPLC).色谱条件:C18柱(250 mm × 4.6mm ,5μm);流动相为乙腈+水+甲醇(2+85+2);流速为1.0 ml/min;紫外检洲波长260 nm.结果 虫草素浓度在0.45~18.00 μg/ml范围内与峰面积呈线性相关,r=0.999 3,平均回收率为96.5%,RSD为2.3%.腺苷浓度在1.76-17.60μmg/ml范围内与峰面积呈现性相关,r=0.9990,平均回收率为97.3%,RSD为1.0%.结论 该方法样品处理简便,结果可靠,重现性好,可有效地控制冬虫夏草发酵液冻干粉的质量.
Abstract:Objective To elucidate the relationship and development of food safety and its hygiene. Method From the definition of food, the relevant definitions of food hygiene with food safety were compared, the four relationships for hygiene and safety, hygiene but not safety, safety but not hygiene, and neither hygiene nor safety were analyzed. Results Both safety and hygiene may be properties of food, the concepts of food safety and food hygiene may be difference. They were same parts as well as different parts. The aspects on the safety and hygiene could not be said that it was important or not important between the food safety and food hygiene. Conclusion Food safety may not be advanced phase of food hygiene and both would be very important.
YANG Yu-huan , HONG Jin-chun , ZHANG Qiao-ji
Abstract:Objective To seek a fast, sensitive and specific method for detection of C. jejuni and C. coli in foods. Method The highly conserved consensus sequences in flaA of C. jejuni and C. coli were selected as primers to amplify a 1 70Obp fragment in the standard strains of C. jejuni and C. coli and the isolated strains from foods in Fujian Province. Results The sensitivity of PCR was determined. Specific fragments were obtained from standard strains of C. jejuni and C. coli, 4 isolated srtains of C. jejuni and 4 isolated strains of C. coli from foods. A minimum of 6 CFU could be detected in the PCR reaction system. Conclusion Detection of flaA by PCR could detect C. jejuni and C. coli rapidly with high sensitivity and specificity and could be applied for investigations during emergency of food poisoning and outbreak of infection.
ZHENG Rang , MAO Dan , WANG Ke , JI Shen , WANG Xiong , SHEN Jian-ying
Abstract:目的 建立孔制品中黄曲霉毒素M1的HPLC的检测方法.方法 样品经提取、过免疫亲和柱净化后,用高效液相色谱-荧光检测器进行分析.结果 黄曲霉毒素M1在0.1~1 μg/L范围内线性关系良好,γ>0.999.回收率在90%~110%之间,定量限为5 pg,检测限为2 pg.结论 该方法快速、简便、准确,改善了现有国标GB/T18980-2003操作繁琐,测定结果易受操作影响的缺点.可作为乳制品中黄曲霉毒素M1的定量测定.
LI Yi-tuo , LU Zhi-jian , WANG Xue-hong , CHEN Zhi-hao , SU Shao-fang , ZHAO Li , CHEN Zhi-li , LU Xue-hui , TANG Jian-hong , BIN Yu-lin
Abstract:Objective To understand the situation and harmfulness of food contamination, ensure the food safety and provide the evidence for citizen health. Method The main markets were slected in Shaoguan downtown, sample 18 kinds and 23 items and 599 pieces were slected randomly and were examined for Cadmium, Lead, Fluorine, Sulfur Dioxide, Ponceau 4R, Sunset Yellow, Tartrazine, Benzoidacid, Sorbic Acid, Acesulfamek, saccharin sodium, pesticide residues. 5 kinds and 11 items and 156 pieces were examined for Salmonella, Hmorrhagic Colitis, Listeria monocygenes, Vibrio parahamolyticus. Results In samples of vegetable, the detection rates of Methamidophos were 6.07 % and the detection rates of Dichlorvos were 8.41 %. The rates over standard for Cadmium, Lead, Sulfur Dioxide were 14.7%, 20.6%, 4.4% respectively. The percentages of Fluorine were relatively high in tea, the average data were 106. lmg/kg. The qualification rate of the contents of Benzoic acid, Sorbic Acid in food were 100%. The detection rates in food of Vibrio parahamolyticus were 20.0%, .and Salmonella were 5.0%. Conclusion Some of the food products in Shaoguan downtown could be contaminated by Cadmium, Lead, Fluorine, pesticide residues, foodborne pathogenic.
JIANG Jing-wei , WANG Yan , GU Zhi-gang , JIA Wen-bo , JI Ling
Abstract:Objective To explore the limitations of the NY-series standards of nuisanceless food established by Ministry of Agriculture.Method According to the conceptive or requested difference of production and the industry particularity, safeties of vegetable basket process were supervised in Ningbo city for 6 years and the results of bean sprouts' criteria were studied and the problems of NY-series standards were analyzed. Results It seems as if NY-series standards confused the conception of primary products, raw agriculture products, agriculture products, nuisanceless food or food.Conclusion Referring to Agriculture-food Quality and Safety of the People's Republic of China, the NY-series standards of Nuisanceless Food could be suggested to be replaced by the standards of Nuisanceless Agriculture Products.
Abstract:Objective To provide scientific basis for strengthening the standardized management of restaurant industry hygiene supervision, Method The status of the restaurant industry development and food safety, the application significance of food hygiene standard in restaurant industry and its restaurant industry relationship in China were analyzed. The existing problems of food hygiene standard of restaurant industry were discusses, Results The result indicated that the food hygiene standard suitable for restaurant industry could be wide, and the hygiene standard should be adopted according to the condition, scale and production variety. Because of the lacks of the basic hygiene standard of restaurant industry, and product hygiene standard, and restaurant industry sanitation standard operation procedure. Conclusion It is necessary to make different hygiene standards of restauraut industry.
WANG Hong-yan , ZHAO Jing-shi , JIA Li-hua , ZHAO Wen-ying
Abstract:Objective To know the present sanitary condition of the countryside restaurants in Hebei, explore the content and method of sanitary supervision and strengthen the supervision and management of restaurants. Method To investigate the situation of sanitation of 400 countryside restaurants in Hebei Province in 2005.Results The investigation showed that the situation was serious. Only 95 (23.75%) in the 400 restaurants met all the 24 sanitary standards demanded. Conclusion We should establish the specific hygienic regulation for countryside restaurants, the food hygiene knowledge, classify the grade of countryside restaurants and execute early hygienic supervision.
FU Jia , YANG Yue-xin , ZHANG Li-shi
Abstract:The relation between food or food component and health is ultimately reflected in the food labeling and health claims. In order to ensure the labeling and claims be scientific and trustworthy, a scientific substantiation is indispensable. This article introduced the scientific evidence and criteria for the substantiation of Process for the Assessment of Scientific Support for Claims on Foods in Europe.
FU Jia , YANG Yue-xin , ZHANG Li-shi
Abstract:Objective Method Results Conclusion The relation between food or food component and health is ultimately reflected in the food labeling and health claims. In order to ensure the labeling and claims be scientific and trustworthy, a scientific substantiation is indispensable. This article introduced the scientific evidence and criteria for the substantiation of Process for the Assessment of Scientific Support for Claims on Foods in Europe.
Abstract:To accurately understand the inorganic arsenic origin in seafoods and scientifically appraise the quality of seafood products, some problems on arsenic chemical and speciation form, background value, inorganic arsenic and determination of arsenic in marine organisms were discussed. References were provided for determination of inorganic arsenic in seafoods.
Abstract:Methods for analysis of alkylphenols, a class of endocrine disruptors, were reviewed. Different sample preparation method for different sample materials (milk, beverage, animal tissues) and detection technologies were introduced.
CHENG Li-li , JING Qin-long , HE Jie-yi , MAO Xin-wu , YANG Zhi-cong
Abstract:Objective To investigate and control a large scale food poisoning in a university of Guangzhou city, Method The informations were collected from epidemiologieal surrey, hygienic investigation and laboratory test and were analyzed with SPSS 11.0. Results 206 patients from 3 universities were suffered from the gastrointestinal infection symptom such as fever, diarrhea, bellyache, etc. Epidemiologieal survey indicated that there were two incidental pinnacles. The central tendency of class and dormitory distribution, and the specific age tendency were not observed. The case control study indicated that the No. 2 refectory in the university was the exposure location. Baiqie chicken could be the high risk food. Salmonella enteritidis were found in the food, cook tools and the anal cotton swabs of the patients and cooks. Conclusion The report indicated that the food poisoning outbreak may be caused by Salmonella e nteritidis.