Abstract:为监测食品污染物3-氯-1,2-丙二醇(3-MCPD),首次建立了人体尿液中痕量β-氯乳酸的测定方法.尿样经硅藻土基质分散固相萃取(MSPD),再经2步衍生(先甲酯化后七氟丁酰化)后得到GC分析用的衍生物,并对衍生的条件作了优化.衍生物在HP1701毛细管柱中经程序升温得到良好的分离,用GC-MS进行确证并用电子捕获检测器(ECD)定量检测.方法的检出限为1.0μg/L,当以11.5 μg/L水平加标时,尿液β-氯乳酸的平均回收率为75.3%(62.5%~113%,n=6),RSD为23.0%.在浓度12~450μg/L范围内,β-氯乳酸与峰面积呈良好的线性关系,相关系数r为0.996 9,满足了尿液中痕量β-氯乳酸的分析要求.
JIA Xudong , LI Ning , WANG Wei , WU Yongning , YANG Xiaoguang
Abstract:为研究S86转基因大米的致敏性,用BN大鼠致敏动物模型进行研究.40只BN大鼠随机分为4组,每组10只,分别为:阳性对照组,转基因大米组,非转基因大米组及阴性对照组.分别在第0和第7天,通过腹腔注射给予阳性对照组的大鼠0.1 mg/ml卵清蛋白(OVA)1ml,其它各组在相同时间腹腔注射相同剂量的生理盐水.以AIN-93G为依据配制各组饲料,阳性对照组和阴性对照组大鼠饲以AIN-93G饲料,转基因大米组饲以含转基因大米粉的饲料,非转基因大米组饲以含非转基因大米粉的饲料,时间为6周.在第2次腹腔注射OVA后,取血分离血浆进行组胺测定.分别在第14、21、28、35、42天取血分离血清,测定IgG及IgE水平;此外,分别在实验前和实验后测定各组大鼠的血压.血清学实验结果显示转基因大米全食品喂饲没有激发IgG及IgE反应,而OVA(阳性对照组)激发了明显的IgG及IgE反应;转基因大米组的组胺水平与阴性对照组及亲本对照组相比差异没有显著性,而阳性对照组组胺水平升高.另外转基因大米没有引起大鼠血压升高.该研究结果表明通过全食品喂饲的方式给予BN大鼠S86转基因大米没有发现该转基因大米对BN大鼠具有致敏性.
LIU Xiumei , PEI Xiaoyan , GUO Yunchang
Abstract:2004年中国安徽阜阳劣质婴儿配方粉事件引起了我国政府的高度重视.为了调查婴儿配方粉中阪崎肠杆菌的污染状况,根据美国FDA和加拿大实验室的方法,建立了婴儿配方粉中阪崎肠杆菌的分离鉴定技术.从87份阜阳劣质奶粉样品中检测到11份阪崎肠杆菌阳性样品,污染阳性率为12.6%.用API 20E和Qualicon BAX(R)系统鉴定了11株阪崎肠杆菌.这是国内首次从婴儿配方粉中分离到阪崎肠杆菌菌株.
WANG Yuping , JI Rong , JIANG Tao , HAN Chunhui , GONG Huizhi , GAO Xiufen
Abstract:为快速检测食品中的玉米赤霉烯酮 (Zearalenone以下简称ZEN) ,建立了抗ZEN的单克隆杂交瘤细胞株。用ZEN BSA偶联物免疫 8~ 10周龄雌性BalB c小鼠后 ,取脾细胞与小鼠骨髓瘤细胞Sp2 0融合 ,经过 4~ 5次亚克隆建立了稳定分泌抗ZEN抗体的杂交瘤细胞株 ,分别命名为Z2A4、Z8D6。将上述 2种杂交瘤细胞分别注入BalB c小鼠腹腔 ,获得含抗ZEN单克隆抗体的腹水。将腹水用饱和硫酸铵盐析法纯化 ,得到Z2A4、Z8D6单克隆抗体。经鉴定 ,其亚类为IgG1,抗体腹水效价Z2A4和Z8D6分别为 1∶1 6× 10 6和 1∶3 2× 10 6;分子量均为 15 0 0 4 0 (15 0kD) ;参考工作浓度分别为1∶4 0 0 0 0和 1∶10 0 0 0 0 ;纯化后抗体IgG含量分别为 34和 39mg ml ;抗体与其它霉菌毒素无交叉反应(交叉反应率 <1% ) ,具有较高特异性 ;抗体亲和力常数Z2A4和Z8D6分别为 5 5 2× 10 8和 4 6 8×10 9mol L。
LIU Xiuying , HU Yixiu , ZANG Xuebing , FAN Di , LIU Fuqiang , ZHOU Yuechan , HU Chunsheng , HU Yuming , NIE Yan
Abstract:为观察猕猴桃果汁对染铅小鼠体内铅含量的影响,选用60只18~22g体重的昆明种雄性小鼠分为3个试验组、1个模型对照组和1个空白对照组进行实验观察.低、中、高剂量组和模型对照组小鼠自由饮用pb2 浓度为546.2 mg/L的水溶液,低、中、高剂量样品组分别灌胃给予10.0、20.0、40.0ml/kg BW剂量的受试液,模型对照组灌胃去离子水,空白对照组饮用、灌胃去离子水.实验期间记录饮用水量,连续30 d后,采血,取肝、股骨,用原子吸收分光光度法测定铅含量.结果发现,染铅各组铅摄入剂量相当,3个试验组小鼠全血铅和肝组织铅水平显著低于模型对照组,各剂量对小鼠股骨铅含量无明显影响.提示猕猴桃果汁具有促进排铅作用.
MA Chengzhu , XUE Lianghui , ZHANG hong , WANG Xiaohong
DU Hongfeng , YAN Yirong , SHEN Yuehua
Abstract:为提高食品中镉和锡的检测水平,建立了氢化物发生-原子荧光光谱法同时测定食品中的镉和锡的方法.在最佳实验条件下的检出限:镉0.002 9 ng/ml、锡0.19 ng/ml;线性范围:镉0~2ng/ml,相关系数0.999 8,锡0~100 ng/ml,相关系数0.999 9;在0.5 ng/ml时,镉测定的相对标准偏差为1.5%(RSD),2.5 ng/ml时锡的相对标准偏差为3.1%(RSD);试样加标回收率:镉93.0%~100.5%,锡91.3%~99.2%.该方法具有操作简便、快速、检出限低、灵敏度高、结果准确等优点,适合于各种食品镉、锡的联合测定.
LEI Xiaoling , ZENG Shaokui , JIANG Zhihong , ZHANG Chaohua , WU Hongmian
Abstract:The microbe change in export frozen shrimp(shrimp meat,headless shrimp)at different stages of processing was reported.The bacterial contamination of utensils,equipment environment was checked.The results demonstrated that the aerobic plate counts of export frozen shrimp generally were up to the standard.Coliforms sometimes exceed the standard.Pathogens were not detected.Aerobic plate counts of utensils and equipment often go beyond the standard.
LI Pan-sheng , WANG Han-yao , CHEN Li-jie , CHEN Liang , HE Hai-yu
Abstract:为公正、公平地执行《中华人民共和国行政处罚法》 ,在诠释、分析了行政自由裁量权的涵义、现状 (问题 )及其原因的基础上 ,从 9个方面论述述如何把握行政处罚自由裁量的合理性。
LI Lin-fu , LI Ya-qin , ZHANG Qing-wen , SHI Wei-min
Abstract:According to the reports of basic health units in this province and the record of our investigation,13 events of collective food poisoning or foodborne infectious diseases occurred in schools of various levels,mainly in primary and middle schools of rural regions in 2002. They included food poisoning of various pathogens,hepatitis A,bacillary dysentery and acute gastroenteritis and involved 773 patients,with one death due to food poisoning.In contrast to the declining tendency of the incidence of such diseases nationwide in 2002,the incidence in Hubei Province rose notably in the same period.This was attributed to a series of causative factors.They include:1.The supply of diet in schools was usually contracted to private businessment whose primary purpose is seeking exorbitant profits.2.The school authorities were remiss in supervising the behavior of the contractors.3.The school canteens usually have poor basic hygienic facilities and hire personnel with little knowledge on food safety.4.The quality of raw materials was not assured.Aimed at solving these problems,corresponding conutermeasures were put forward.
Abstract:Statistic data showed that 71 incidents of food poisoning occurred within the four years from 2000 to 2003,whit 35 occurred in countryside families. Since 25 of the 35 food poisoning incidents in the countryside happened at family feasts, it has become an important occasion of giving rise to food poisoning. To search for methods in various ways to prevent and control food poisoning at family feasts in the countryside, the author has analyzed the cases of food poisoning occurred at family feasts in countryside in Gansu Province in recent years. It is expected that lessons can be drawn from the analysis and food poisoning from family feasts of the countryside can be prevented and controlled.
SONG Wen-ge , LU Yong-quan , LOU Xing-lian
Abstract:In the second quarter of 2003,four incidents of collective food poisoning occurred consecutively in three counties of Linxia Hui autonomous prefecture,Gansu Province.The incidents broke out in 3 religious activities and 1 family meeting,in which a total of 446 people of various ages took part and ate the causative meal.Symptoms of poisoning appeared in 273(61.21%) of them,and mostly in young people under the age of 30.Bacteriological culture revealed Bacillus Proteus from the remained foods and victims' feces in all the 4 incidents.The frequency of collective food poisoning in this prefecture indicated the urgency to reinforce the spread of the knowledge of food safety and enhance the supervision of the collective dining in religious activities.
Abstract:To safeguard the health of school children dining collectively in mess rooms of village schools,the situation of recent years of dining hygiene in village schools of Xiuzhou district,Jiaxing city was investigated.The problems found included:1.Many of the meal supplies were not licensed.2.The facilities for the preparation and distribution of foods could not meet the hygienic standard.3.The process of food preparation could not meet the hygienic requirement.4.Many meal suppliers prepared foods with raw materials of unknown quality.5.Prepared foods tended to be contaminated before consumption.To ameliorate the condition,it is proposed that the local government allocate more funds to improve the facilities of the village schools and reinforce the management of the food suppliers.
WANG Xiangxia , ZHANG Qingfeng , DU Junfu , LI Linqi , ZHANG Meng , YU Shehua
ZHOU Jianyang , LIANG Qing , ZHANG Yonggan , ZHAO Changhong , FENG Chao
Abstract:A new style of restaurant multiplies quickly in this district recently,providing temporary lodging and meal for school children.Concerned with the food hygiene status of these restaurants,the authors conducted a survey of 34 of them in this district.Based on the problems found in the survey,following points were put forward:1.Relevant regulations and criteria for certification should be formulated as soon as possible for the hygiene management of such restaurants.2.The issue of certificate for such restaurants should be strictly supervised.3.The education of food safety consciousness to personnel of such restaurants should be carried out regularly.
Abstract:Toxicologic pathology is a part of the base of safety evaluation, but because of the lack of standard process of examination, the diagnostic value of its result is usually low.So the standardization of pathological examination is highly necessary. The problems in criteria of diagnosis, nomenclature, outcome and discussion are reviewed,and the approach to standardization of pathological examination is proposed .