Fu Wusheng Wu Yongning Zhao Yunfeng Ma Jinbo Zhang Qi
Abstract:目的 以两种同位素内标建立同时测定酱油中 4种氯丙醇的GC -MS方法。方法 试样中加入稳定性氘代同位素内标 ,采用硅藻土Extrelut NT进行基质固相分散萃取结合固相萃取净化酱油试样 ,经七氟丁酰衍生化后 ,在DB - 5毛细管柱中经程序升温得到良好的分离 ,用选择离子储存 (SIS)定量。结果 各个氯丙醇在进样量为 2 0~ 5 0 0pg范围内线性良好 (r >0 999) ,3-氯 - 1,2-丙二醇 (3-MCPD)、1,3-二氯丙醇 (1,3-DCP)和 2 ,3-二氯丙醇 (2 ,3-DCP)的定量限分别为0 0 0 3、0 0 0 5和 0 0 0 5mg kg ;3种浓度水平下加标重复测定 6次 ,回收率分别为 98 8%~ 115 %、75 0 %~ 119%和 93 6 %~ 132 % ,精密度分别为 6 99%~ 16 2 %、3 80 %~ 9 2 5 %和 7 0 7%~10 4 %。结论 该方法具有较高的灵敏度、准确度、精密度和特异性 ,满足了酱油样品中痕量氯丙醇的分析要求。
Abstract:为控制由沙门氏菌污染鸡蛋引起的食物中毒 ,对我国带壳鲜鸡蛋的沙门氏菌污染引起人群感染的危险性进行定量评估。带壳鲜蛋沙门氏菌定量危险性评估模型模拟了从农场到餐桌 (即从生产到消费 )由于消费带壳鲜鸡蛋引起沙门氏菌病的危险性。模型计算每年因食用被沙门氏菌污染的带壳鲜蛋而引起沙门氏菌病的人数平均为 5 3× 10 7人 (5 th~ 95 th百分位点值 :4 0× 10 5~ 2 2× 10 8)。与全国疾病监测点的监测数据预测的沙门氏菌病例数据吻合 ,表明该模型可以合理地预测危险性。通过改变该模型的重要参数 ,评估了几种降低危险性措施的效果 ,发现控制鲜蛋贮存的温度与时间是影响危险性结果的最重要因素。该评估方法的框架为我国今后进行其它类似的定量危险性评估提供了参考。
Abstract:The comparative study was conducted on the regulations and standards in related with health food or health claim control in the countries or regions of Chinese Mainland, Australia, European Union, Japan, USA and Chinese Taipei, taking Codex Alimentarius Commission as reference. The analysis is focus on the similarities and differences on the part of the definition, legal status, the requirements for product composition and form and the procedure of safety and functional evaluation among these countries or regions, in an attempt to find out the background information and scientific evidence for the relevant regulations and standards. The administration patterns of health food or health claim by the authorities of individual countries or regions, i.e. whether it is a pre-market approval system or a preview (pre-market registered) system, been elaborated and analyzed. To the improvement of health food control system in China, some proposals and recommendations were made based on the analysis of the merits and defects thereof, and technical evidence was provided for the international coordination in the future.
Abstract:The article introduces the regulations and standards on food additives among the United States, Canada, European Union, Australia, Japan, China and Codex Alimentarius Commission, especially compares the range of control, evaluation requirements, provision on use and labeling. Some recommendations and suggestions on how to strengthen the control of food additives and to adopt international standards were made at the end.
Mu Yuanpu Zhang Feng Zhang Jianbo
Abstract:The subject of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of HACCP system in a pure orange juice -producing line. The principle and method of HACCP were applied during the study through spot surveillance and laboratory analysis for material, semifinished product and product. All hazards and risks in the producing process were found and assessed.On the basis of the above work and according to the critical control point decision tree recommended by CAC,three critical control points were decided.Critcal limit, monitor system, corrective system, verifing system and recording system were established for each critical control point. After the application of the HACCP system, the safety concept of staff was advanced and the product quality improved, which indicate that the established HACCP system is reliable and effective.
Zhong Kai Tian Jing Li Yepeng Liu Xiumei Ji Rong
Abstract:The purpose of this study is to establish a new technique for detection Vibrio perahaemolyticus (VP) faster and validate its practicability. The new technique involves designing a primer pair targeting tl gene and using the primer pair for PCR amplification The technique was tried in 14 VP strains and 30 non-VP strains, and also in factitiously contaminated food samples. The results showed that the technique offered excellent differentiation and lower detection limit (10 CFU/g). The full course of assay could be completed in 13 hours, which was significantly shorter than the time needed by conventional techniques. It is concluded that the technique is practical with advantages of simple operation, higher specificity, less time-consuming and lower detection limit. Nevertheless, more trial is needed because the technique was validated in only 2 kinds of actual food samples.
Yang Baolan Li Zhigang Li Yuwei Yao Jinghui Xu Jin
Abstract:为探讨植物乳杆菌ATC 8014和植物乳杆菌CGMCC1.103对包括寄生曲霉NRRL 999在内的5株曲霉孢子活性的影响,将曲霉孢子接种到植物乳杆菌24h RS培养液中,280℃培养24h后检测孢子的活性。结果显示:植物乳杆菌ATCC 8014和植物乳杆菌CGMCC 1.103对5株曲霉孢子均有灭活作用。镜下观察植物乳杆菌ATCC8014将寄生曲霉NRRL 2999的孢子灭活,使其不能发育成菌丝,故也不能生长。
Abstract:为监管保健食品中维生素的含量 ,建立了保健食品中维生素B12 的化学分析法 ,采用固相萃取 (SPE)进行试样富集、净化 ,高效液相色谱 (HPLC)进行分离检测。方法的最小检出量为 0 3ng ,最低检出浓度 0 2mg kg ,线性范围在 0 334~ 16 7μg mL之间 ,平均回收率为 72 1%~ 131 7%。该方法具有简便、快速、可靠、容易推广等优点。
Liu Jun Li Xiaowen Zhang Xizhou Yang Chunxiu Yu Minghua Zhao Jun Guo Guangming
Abstract:目的 探讨不同补锌制剂对幼儿生长发育的影响 ,对锌酵母与有机锌制剂促进儿童正常生长发育的效果进行对比研究。方法 随机抽取宜昌市城区 4所幼儿园 4 5 0名年龄在 2 5~ 3 5岁的入园新生为研究对象 ,将其随机分成 3组锌酵母制剂组 (16 8人 )、葡萄糖酸锌组 (15 0人 )、对照组(132人 ) ,采用双盲法观察补锌前后身高、体重的变化情况 ,并对其头发中 5种营养元素钙、镁、锌、铁、铜的含量进行检测。对幼儿注意力和食欲状况、患病情况进行问卷调查。结果 3组幼儿补锌前后身高平均增长值各组间差异有非常显著性 (P <0 0 1)。体重增长情况锌酵母制剂组与葡萄糖酸锌组和对照组比较 ,分别为差异有非常显著性 (P <0 0 1)和差异有显著性 (P <0 0 5 ) ,葡萄糖酸锌组与对照组比较 ,仅部分年龄段组间差异有显著性 (P <0 0 5 )。锌酵母制剂组发锌升高达正常者明显高于葡萄糖酸锌组和对照组。锌酵母制剂组常患感冒儿童补锌后大有改观 ,食欲改善情况和集中注意力情况也优于葡萄糖酸锌组和对照组。结论 锌酵母较有机锌能更好地促进儿童正常生长发育。
Abstract:To investigate the alleviating effect on physical fatigue of the %Polyhachis vicina Roger % (PVR), experiments were undertaken in mice. The effect of PVR extract on burden swimming, and biochemical indexes(liver starch content, serum LA content and serum urea-nitrogen content) were determined. Four groups of mice had been given PVR extract at different doses(0,0.036,0.358,1.074 g/kg BW) by gavage for 30 days. The results indicated that the PVR extract at different doses had effect of alleviating physical fatigue. The lower dose of the PVR extract remarkably prolonged the duration of swimming ( P <0.05), the higher dose increased the content of mice liver starch notably ( P <0.01).
Zhao Haiyan Zhao Rong Wang Zheng Lo Rencai
Abstract:为监测保健食品中的有效成分 ,建立了高效液相色谱法测定白藜芦醇胶囊中白藜芦醇含量的方法。实验采用KromasilC18柱 ,以乙腈 水 (体积比 30 70 )溶液为流动相 ,用紫外检测器于30 4nm处检测。结果表明 ,白藜芦醇浓度在 10~ 2 5 0 μg/mL时 ,浓度与峰面积呈良好的线性关系 (r=0 9999) ;加标回收率为 92 5 %~ 10 2 6 % ;最低检出浓度 0 6mg/g。方法的精密度良好 ,相对标准偏差 (RSD)为 3 3%。方法快速、简便、准确 ,可作为胶囊类保健食品质量检验的一个定量检验方法。
Du Hongfeng Xiang Shixue Yin Degui Wang Di
Abstract:为测定食品及水样中氰化物建立单扫描极谱法。通过仪器分析条件、不同介质及其用量的选择 ,探索氰化物出峰电位及峰形。在 0 0 1g mL硼砂溶液中 ,氰化物于 - 2 80mV(vs .SCE)附近产生一个清晰的极谱波峰。氰化物浓度在 0 0 5~ 5 μg mL范围内线性关系良好 ,相关系数 (r)为0 9992 ,相对标准偏差为 1 2 %~ 2 9% ,试样加标回收率 89 0 %~ 99 8%。所建立的方法用于食品及水样中氰化物的测定 ,结果令人满意。
Liu Suhua Liu Lanzheng Zhai Mingxia Liu Zhong
Abstract:为了快速、简便、准确地测定食品中的金属元素 ,建立了硝酸微波消解法。本方法需要固体样品 0 2~ 0 5g ,液体样品 0 5~ 3 0mL ,浓硝酸 0 5~ 2 0mL ,加水至 8mL消解 ,定容至 15mL ,用原子吸收光谱仪测定Fe、Mn、Cu、Zn、Pb、Cd ;用原子荧光光谱仪测定Hg。由于所用试剂量大大减少 ,空白值低 ,结果准确可靠。检测国家标准物质GBW 0 85 0 8米粉 ,GBW 0 85 13茶树叶 ,平均回收率为 82 35 %~ 10 8 70 % ,RSD为 0 6 3%~ 7 37% ,测定值与标示值相吻合 ,适于食品中金属元素的测定。
Abstract:中国加入WTO ,既为中国农产品和食品国际贸易的增长带来了机遇 ,同时也给食品卫生工作带来了挑战。国外技术性贸易壁垒 ,境外食品污染物流入的可能性增加 ,国内食品卫生质量及卫生标准、检验技术的滞后等问题成为影响出口的因素。对此卫生部采取了清理修订卫生标准、建立产品认证认可体系、建立和完善预警与控制体系等应对措施。加强法规标准和危险性分析研究工作、完善食品安全管理体制是我国今后要重视的工作。
Yin Wenyuan Zhang Xin Zhao Dauyu
Abstract:通过介绍国际食品标签标准的主要内容、制定及演变过程 ,分析不同历史阶段中食品标签在保护消费者利益、促进食品贸易公平方面发挥的重要作用 ,以及社会、经济、科技发展水平和文化背景等因素对其的影响。阐明在WTO贸易规则下食品标签在国际食品贸易中的现实意义。
Xu Lan Gong Yuhua Zhong Zhihong Chen Xin Chen Juan Shi Xiaoxiao Gao Shennan Wang Shuqian
Abstract:Objective To improve the policy for control and prevention of hepatitis B on the basis of HBV infection among employees in public food services.Method HBV DNA was examined by PCR and microcell hybridization and fluorescence-based quantitative analyses. Familial clustering of HBV infection was analyzed with the fitness comparison by binomial distribution.Result 1 022 were HBsAg positive among 28 516 employees, the positive rate of HBsAg was 3.58%,among whom 364 (35.64%) employees were transferred from job. However, 234(35.56%) employees were HBV DNA positive in the 658 HBV positive employees who were permitted to retain the job according to law stipulation. Familial clustering rate in HBV infected individuals was 86.49% and the rate of intrafamilial HBV infection was 64.38%.The infection among familial members of HBV DNA positive employees was obviously familial clustering.Conclusion HBV DNA positive employees in accord with law stipulation are still potential spreading sources of HBV.
Abstract:Guided by the theory of jurisprudence, we expounded the conception, the meaning and the value orientation of the administration prescription regulation, analyzed the present condition and blemish of the administration prescription regulation currently applied on food hygiene and brought up the principle and method for perfection of that regulation.
Xue Kun Guo Hongwei Da Qingdong Chen Gang Cao Wenmei
Abstract:目的 了解上海市民对食品安全的认识水平。方法 对上海市区的 10 0名市民进行问卷调查。结果 安全放心是被调查者选择购买食品场所时首先考虑的因素 ;仅有 15 %的人在发生质量问题时会主动索赔 ,近半数的人在购买食品或就餐后没有索要发票的习惯 ;对小型餐饮店和临时摊点食品卫生状况的评价较低 ;对食品安全相关的法律法规的知晓率为 6 5 %~ 74 % ,对绿色食品、无公害食品和有机食品的知晓率依次降低 (分别为 85 %、5 9%和 2 6 % ) ;电视和报纸是获得食品安全信息的主要渠道。结论 上海市民的总体食品安全意识较高 ,但在具体的消费过程中 ,自我保护的意识还比较薄弱 ;对有机食品和转基因食品等知之甚少 ,有必要通过电视、报纸等媒体加强相关知识的普及。