Abstract:为最大程度地控制我国食源性疾病的发生 ,“食源性疾病监控技术的研究”于 2 0 0 1年被列入“十五”国家科技攻关计划。“食源性疾病监控技术的研究”项目建立了全国食源性疾病监测网络 ,分析了 1992年至 2 0 0 1年的食源性疾病暴发资料 ,对 2 0 0 2年部分个案进行了监测与分析。在常见食物病原菌DNA指纹图谱技术的研究 ,PCR快速检测技术的研究方面取得了满意的结果。建立了鸡蛋中沙门氏菌危险性评估模型 ,对牡蛎中副溶血性弧菌进行了定量监测与危险性评估。建立了国家食源性疾病监测数据库及信息系统。该研究将有效地提高我国食品卫生监督检测系统对食物中毒致病菌的快速检测和鉴定水平 ,为全国的系统监测提供技术支撑 ,为缩小我国食源性疾病监控技术与发达国家的差距 ,科学地监控食源性疾病迈出了重要的一步 ,为政府及国际食品法典提供了有价值的政策依据。
Abstract:Objective: To establish a rapid, sensitive and specific polymerase chain reaction(PCR) method for detection of Listeria monocytogenes (LM) in foods. Methods: A pair of oligonucleotide primers were designed with hlyA gene as target sequence. Using the designed primers, sixty-three strains of LM isolated from different foods in different areas of chain, 3 strains of Listeria innocua and 20 strains of other bacteria were amplified by the PCR method, and the method was used to detect LM seeded onto fresh meat, frozen shrimp, and cabbage. Results: Amplified fragment showed excellent features of LM. Limit of detection for fresh meat, frozen shrimp and cabbage was 10 cfu/g. Conclusions: A rapid, sensitive and specific PCR method was established for detection of LM in food.
Abstract:为快速检测食物中的赭曲霉素A ,建立了抗OchratoxinA的单克隆杂交瘤细胞株。用OA -匙孔嘁血蓝素 (OA KLH)偶联物免疫 8~ 10周龄雌性Balb c小鼠后 ,取脾细胞与小鼠骨髓瘤细胞系Sp2 0融合 ,经过 3~ 4次亚克隆建立了 3个稳定分泌抗赭曲霉素A抗体的杂交瘤细胞株 ,分别命名为 10G7、10G10和 5G11。将上述 3株杂交瘤细胞分别注入Balb c小鼠腹腔 ,获得含抗赭曲霉素A单克隆抗体的腹水。将腹水用饱和硫酸铵法纯化 ,得到 10G7、10G10和 5G11单克隆抗体。其中10G10、5G11单克隆抗体的Ig亚类为IgG1,10G7单克隆抗体的Ig亚类为IgG2a。抗体腹水的稀释度为 1∶6 4× 10 6~ 1∶1 3× 10 8,参考工作浓度为 1∶1 0× 10 6~ 1∶3 2× 10 7。纯化后 10G7抗体的IgG含量为 16 4g L ,亲和常数为 9× 10 -8mol L。 10G7抗体与其它结构类似物无交叉反应 ,具有较高的特异性。
Abstract:To guarantee the safety and quality of beef jerky, the efficacy of the system of HACCP was studied. The growth and decay of contaminator source and the measure to control corstamination in the process of producing beef jerky were studied. The receiving of raw meat and spices, thawing, foreign material elimination, weighing and packaging, microwave disinfection were determined as critical control points. Then a detailed implementation plan of HACCP was made out based on some experiments and existing technological parameters. The results showed that the HACCP system is suitable to the production of beef jerky.
Abstract:基于分析结果正态分布的z值 (zscores)评价方法是一种重要的质量控制评价方法 ,具有直观、简便的特点。利用z值的绝对值 ,可以对某实验室多个样品的质量控制结果进行评价。探讨了此方法在保健食品功效成分检验质量控制中的应用及应用的结果及在使用这种方法时 ,应注意的问题 :用测定值的平均值 x和样本标准偏差s分别代替 μ和σ ,可能会达到较好的结果。
Abstract:In order to insure the safety of milk containing viable microorganisms, a factory that can produce 20 tons of milk containing viable lactobacillus was selected for the study. The milk was produced from fresh milk fermented by lactobacillus and sugrar. Through the hazard analysis, 6 critical control points were determined. Taking prevention measures on purchasing milk and other accessories, inoculating lactobacillus, cleaning and sterilizing the canal system and the reservoir tanks, disinfecting and canning the end products could attain predictive results.The HACCP system is simple and easy to be applied in this field.
Abstract:为检测大豆中的αg和βg含量 ,应用高效液相色谱 -差示折射法 (HPLC -dRI)测定大豆皂甙样品中DDMP皂甙αg和 βg含量 ,色谱柱为ODS -AM - 30 3柱 (YMC ,4 6mm× 2 5 0mm ,5 μm) ,流动相为含 0 1%三氟乙酸的乙腈 水 (4 0 6 0 )。DDMP皂甙αg和 βg分别在 1 38~ 6 88μg和 1 6 2~ 8 12 μg范围内线性关系良好 ,平均回收率为 93 4 %和 94 2 % ,RSD为 4 0 7%和 4 2 8%。方法准确度高 ,重现性好 ,适用于大豆皂甙样品中DDMP皂甙以及其它大豆皂甙的含量测定。
Abstract:为研制一个适用于基层实验室测定猪肉中克伦特罗的极谱分析方法 ,将试样用 75 %乙醇和正己烷二种不同极性溶剂提取和纯化 ,用拟定的极谱分析方法进行定性和定量测定。在盐酸 -高锰酸钾 -草酸介质中 ,克伦特罗峰电位为 - 84 0mV(vs .SCE)。克伦特罗浓度在 0 5~ 4 0 μg/mL之间线性关系良好 ,相关系数r =0 9994 ,回归方程y =9 5 6 3x - 32 15。最低检出量为 1 2 μg。平均相对标准偏差 (RSD)为 7 7% (n =7) ,加标平均回收率为 85 2 %。该法准确、快速、简便、仪器价廉 ,适于基层实验室检测猪肉中克伦特罗残留量。
Abstract:为了解金黄色葡萄球菌对食品的污染情况 ,采集 6类 2 0 4件食品 ,进行金黄色葡萄球菌检测。采用GB 4 789— 1994食品卫生检验方法检测金黄色葡萄球菌 ,用minVIDAS全自动免疫分析仪测定肠毒素 ,用K B法进行药敏试验。在 2 0 4件食品中检出 4 4件金黄色葡萄球菌 ,总检出率2 1 5 6 % ,其中生奶的检出率最高 (39 39% ) ,生肉、水产品次之 (33 33% ) ,熟肉制品、乳制品检出率分别为 6 0 %和 5 0 % ,冰激凌中未检出金黄色葡萄球菌。 4 4株金黄色葡萄球菌有 2 7株产生肠毒素 ,占 6 1 36 %。在药敏试验中 4 4株金黄色葡萄球菌 10 0 %对苯唑西林耐药 ;93 18%对青霉素G耐药 ;86 4 0 %对阿莫西林耐药 ,对丁胺卡那、头孢三嗪、头孢唑啉、万古霉素敏感。金黄色葡萄球菌对奶、肉、水产品的污染比较严重 ,特别是产生肠毒素的菌株存在着引起食物中毒的可能性。
Abstract:This article brings forward seven shortages in establishing HACCP system in some national food plants by analysis relative reports. Following aspects are main points of view: confusing the relation ship of HACCP and GMP or SSOP and setting too much CCPs; being short of product description which is the foundation of HA; setting incorrect CCPs without understanding the method of HA; making no use of the literature of food characteristic and food born disease and depending too much on laboratory test; no valid measure of controlling chemical contamination; being short of quickly and operational measure of monitor in many CCPs; neglecting corrective action, monitor and verification; lacking for effective record keeping systems.
Abstract:In order to guarantee the food safety of the soy milk for students, the producing line of a company was selected for the study of the efficacy of the system of HACCP. On the basis of the GMP and hazard analysis, the soybean soaking, high temperature heating, super high temperature sterilization, packing and cold storage were determined as the critical points. The suitable critical limits were established and corrective actions were taken to control each point. The results showed that after the operation of the system of HACCP, there was no food poisoning caused by the soy milk produced by this company happened in more than 80 000 students in Putian city.
Abstract:为了贯彻执行《食品卫生法》 ,对食品卫生行政控制决定中相对人的法律义务和责任进行了讨论。认为行政控制决定具有命令性与强制性 ,相对人必须服从与接受。在食品卫生行政控制决定中相对人暂时被剥夺了对被控制食品的处分权。还讨论了由此可能产生的法律后果。
Abstract:In order to implement the quantitative classified surveillance measure to food safety issued by the Ministry of Health, China, 28 large hotels and restaurants were chosen to be scored in Yiwu city, Zhejiang province. According to the quantitative classified surveillance list, all of them were not up to standard. The reason was analyzed and some suggestions to improve operation of the measure were proposed.
Abstract:为贯彻《食品卫生法》 ,通过对某无公害蔬菜配送站无卫生许可证经营蔬菜、粮食和蛋类 ,受到卫生行政部门的处罚一案说明 ,无公害食品经营的许可仍需经过卫生部门许可 ,仅有工商部门许可是违反《食品卫生法》的。
Abstract:20 0 2年 7月 2 9日和 8月 10日 ,在江苏省 2个城市分别发生 5 0人和 4 0人的因食用受克伦特罗污染的淡水鱼引起的食物中毒。潜伏期 0 5~ 3h ,主要症状头痛、心悸、恶心、心率加快 ,最快者达 15 0次 min ,用GC -MS检测引起食物中毒的鱼、养鱼池的水 ,检出克伦特罗 ,检出范围为 4 0~10 0 μg kg。根据流行病学调查 ,临床表现和实验室的检测结果 ,确认两城市的中毒均是克伦特罗引起的食物中毒。
Abstract:Thirty nine mess halls from 5 colleges and universities in Jinan city were randomly selected to investigate the kinds of chopsticks (single or multi-used), sterilizing method and the style of delivering chopsticks. The sanitary status of chopsticks and their containers were tested. The method for sterilizing the multi-used chopsticks in 25 halls was mainly steamed. The chopsticks that were picked-up by students was implementing in 72% of mess halls. The sanitary status of chopsticks that could meet the national standard was only in 45% of multi-used chopsticks and in 65% of single used chopsticks, while only in 18% of containers. The results indicated that the sanitary status of chopsticks in these places was poor and should be inspected and regulated strongly.
Abstract:In order to know the pattern of the outbreaks of food-borne illness in the area along the Wulumuqi railway line, the data of outbreaks of food-borne illness in the area from 1974 to 1996 were analyzed. 34 cases of outbreak of food-borne illness occurred and 1 156 people suffered over the past 23 years. Most outbreaks of food-borne illness occurred in the railman messes, 13 cases (38.3%) and 704 victims (60.9%). Outbreaks of food-borne illness occurred mainly in summer and fall, 22 cases (64.7%) and 629 victims (54.4%). The foods resulted in outbreak of food-borne illness were mainly meats and meat products, 21 cases (61.7%), and 633 victims (54.8%). The main agent led to outbreak of food-borne illness was pathogenic bacteria, 29 cases (85.3%), and 987 victims (85.4%). The results suggest that the railman messes,meats and meat products and pathogenic bacteria in food should be paid more attention for inspection and surveillance.
Abstract:The incidence,epidemic characteristics, clinical features and resistance of Campylobacter were reviewed for stressing the importance of Campylobacter in intestinal and other infections. The incidence of campylobacteriosis is increasing sharply throughout the world. Poultry, water, milk, animal are major sources of Campylobacter infection. C.jejuni and C.coli are two main species isolated from most studies. Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS) is the most serious complication of Campylobacter infection. The resistance of Campylobacter to antibiotics is increasing, the most alarming increase is resistance to the fluoroquinolone group of antimicrobials. It's necessary to establish surveillance system in order to control the infection and prevalance of Campylobacter (especially in developing countries).
Abstract:To introduce the present detective methods of vitamins in import health foods, the health foods were compared with general domestic foods and vitamin pills about components and level of vitamins. The popular analyzing methods for improt health foods were summarized. Some advice was given to overcome the difficulties in analysis and the developing trend of present methods was discussed. This summary may offer some reference in the use of detective methods for the analysis of vitamins.
Abstract:对食物中 3种重要的维生素 :维生素A、叶酸和维生素E的常用分析方法进行了综述。指出了不同分析方法的适用范围以及各自的优缺点。着重介绍了高效液相色谱法在此 3种维生素分析中的应用。并提出了分析方法的发展趋势是高效液相色谱法 (包括正相高效液相色谱法、反相高效液相色谱法和非水反相高效液相色谱法 )、高效液相 -质谱法、气相色谱 -质谱法和离子色谱-质谱法等方法。