Abstract:Objective To study the epidemiological characteristics of foodborne disease outbreaks in China(except Tibet)in 2015. Methods The foodborne disease date was collected by the National Foodborne Disease Surveillance Network in 2015. Results There were 2 401 outbreaks of foodborne disease reported from 31 provinces in 2015, resulting in 21 374 illnesses,and 139 deaths. Among outbreaks for which suspected etiologic agents were identified,poisonous mushroom caused the largest percentage of outbreaks(46.2%,794/1 717) and the largest percentage of deaths(60.3%,79/131),microbial pathogens caused the largest percentage of cases(51.5%,7 861/15 250). The most common location of outbreaks was family and beverage service, responsible for the largest percentage of outbreaks(50.9%,1 222/2 401) and cases(22.6%,4 823/21 374) in the family and the largest percentage of outbreaks(43.8%,1 051/2 401) and cases(68.9%,14 727/21 374) in the beverage service respectively. Among outbreaks for which suspected food were identified,the most common food categories of outbreaks(in addition to poisonous mushroom) were vegetable product which caused the largest percentage of outbreaks(11.1%,235/2 122) and cases(14.5%,2 561/17 696),followed by meat products with 10.5%(223/2 122) and 15.6%(2 768/17 696). Conclusion Poisonous mushroom was the main etiologic agents in foodborne disease outbreaks. Vibrio parahaemolyticus,Salmonella, Staphylococcus aureus and enterotoxin were the main etiologic agents in microbial foodborne diseases outbreaks. Family, restaurants and hotels were the main site of foodborne disease outbreaks,and poisonous mushrooms and aconitum tourn were the main factors causing deaths occurred in the family.