Abstract:Objective To evaluate the protein microarray platform that previously established for lactoferrin detection in raw milk. Methods Triplet raw milk samples were used to implement within-run precision of 8 repeats and other triplet raw milk samples were used to implement between-run precision of 8 batches. The high concentration standard was consecutively diluted for recovery test. Three concentrations of spiked samples were used for recovery. Ten raw milk samples were detected by protein chip platform and commercial ELISA Kit, respectively. Results The within-run precision and between-run precision were 9.79%-15.90% and 11.63%-23.38%, respectively. The dilution recovery and recovery were 79.8%-129.7% and 105.7%-133.9%, respectively. The relevant coefficient of the two detection method was 0.825 2, the difference was significant (t=4.132, P<0.05), but the result of paired t test showed that there was no difference between the two method (t=1.282, P>0.05). Conclusion The protein chip platform could satisfy the requirement of laboratory test, and its operation error need to be further optimized.