Peanut is an important food allergen which can cause sever allergic reactions. Peanut allergy research is an important topic in the field of food safety study. This paper mainly reviews the current status of peanut allergy and the recent advances of the main allergen Ara h1, including the characteristics of peanut allergy and the desensitization methods, etc. It would help to reduce the risk of peanut allergic reaction and provide a theoretical basis for clinical desensitization therapy in peanut allergy sufferers.
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HE Wei-yi, FENG yue, JIANG Cong-li, CAO Ji-juan, LIU Zhi-gang, HUANG Hai-zhen, WU Xu-li. Review on peanut allergy and its main allergen Ara h1[J].中国食品卫生杂志,2013,25(6):571-574.