
(1.华中科技大学同济医学院公共卫生学院,湖北 武汉 430030;2.国家食品安全 风险评估中心 国家卫生健康委员会食品安全风险评估重点实验室,北京 100021)


李善雅文 女 硕士生 研究方向为食品安全风险评估 E-mail:lsywxs@163.com通信作者:┣┣(中)通信作者┫┫宋雁 女 研究员 研究方向为食品安全风险评估 E-mail:songyan@cfsa.net.cn 吴静 女 副教授 研究方向为分子流行病学、食品安全风险评估 E-mail:wujingtj@hust.edu.cn





The consumption survey of condiments for restaurant customers in 7 provinces and cities of China

(1.School of Public Health, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Hubei Wuhan 430030, China;2.National Health Commission Key Laboratory of Food Safety Risk Assessment, China National Center for Food Safety Risk Assessment, Beijing 100021,China)

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    目的 了解我国餐馆就餐人群调味品消费状况,为评估调味品中危害因素和营养素的暴露风险提供基础数据。方法 采用称重法加三日记账法,调查北京、重庆、辽宁、山东、广东、江苏、陕西7个省/市126家餐馆的调味品使用量,同时记录每家餐馆每日就餐人次数,得到各类调味品每人次消费量。结果 我国餐馆就餐人群每人次调味品的消费量中位数为:盐及代盐制品3.52 g、鲜味剂和助鲜剂1.33 g、醋3.63 g、酱油5.18 g、酱及酱制品1.78 g、料酒及制品0.25 g、香辛料类1.54 g、复合调味料3.64 g、其他调味料0.00 g;各省市餐馆就餐人群的调味品消费量差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05),在7个省/市中,广东省盐及代盐制品、鲜味剂和助鲜剂、其他调味料每人次消费量最高,辽宁省醋、酱油、料酒及制品每人次消费量最高,重庆市香辛料类、复合调味料每人次消费量最高,陕西省酱及酱制品每人次消费量最高;大城市/主城区和县城/郊区各类调味品每人次消费量差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05),盐及代盐制品、鲜味剂和助鲜剂、醋、香辛料类、复合调味料呈现出大城市/主城区每人次消费量高于县城/郊区,而酱油、酱及酱制品、料酒及制品、其他调味料则呈现出县城/郊区每人次消费量高于大城市/主城区;不同规模的餐馆各类调味品每人次消费量差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05),盐及代盐制品、鲜味剂和助鲜剂、醋、料酒及制品、其他调味料呈现出中型餐馆每人次消费量均高于大型、小型餐馆(P<0.05),酱油、复合调味料则呈现出小型餐馆每人次消费量高于大型、中型餐馆(P<0.05),酱及酱制品、香辛料类调味品大型餐馆每人次消费量高于小型、中型餐馆(P<0.05);相关性分析发现,多种调味品消费量呈弱正相关关系。结论 我国餐馆就餐人群的调味品消费量较高,在食品安全风险评估中需综合考虑家庭就餐和餐馆就餐通过调味品摄入危害因素和营养素的暴露风险。


    Objective To explore the condiment consumption for restaurant customers in Chinese, and provide basic data for risk assessment of hazards and nutrients in condiment. Methods Weighing method and three-day record method were used to investigate the condiment usage of 126 restaurants in 7 provinces/cities of Beijing, Chongqing, Liaoning, Shandong, Guangdong, Jiangsu and Shaanxi. Meanwhile, the number of people eating in each restaurant every day was recorded to estimate the average consumption. Results The median consumption of condiments per person-time in Chinese restaurants was 3.52 g of salt and substitutes, 1.33 g of flavor enhancer and freshener, 3.63 g of vinegar, 5.18 g of soy sauce, 1.78 g of sauce and its products, 0.25 g of cooking wine and its products,1.54 g of spices, 3.64 g of compound condiments and 0.00 g of other condiments. The difference of condiments consumption among restaurant customers in each province and city was statistically significant (P<0.05). The consumption of salt and substitutes, flavor enhancer and other condiments was the highest in Guangdong province. The consumption of vinegar, soy sauce and cooking wine and its products was the highest in Liaoning province. The consumption of spices and compound condiments was the highest in Chongqing. The consumption of sauce and its products was the highest in Shaanxi province. The difference of condiments consumption among restaurant customers per person-time in cities/main urban areas and county/suburban was statistically significant (P<0.05). Cities/main urban restaurant customers consumed more salt and substitutes, flavor enhancer and freshener, vinegar, spices and compound condiments than those in county/suburban areas. Soy sauce, sauce and its products, cooking wine and its products and other condiments were the opposite. The difference of condiments consumption among restaurant customers per person-time of different restaurant sizes was statistically significant (P<0.05). The consumption of condiments per person-time in medium-sized restaurants was the highest in salt and substitutes, flavor enhancer and freshener, vinegar, cooking wine and its products and other condiments (P<0.05). People who ate at small restaurants consumed more soy sauce and compound condiments than those who ate at large and medium-sized restaurants (P<0.05). The consumption of sauce and its products and spices was the highest in large restaurants (P<0.05). The consumption of a variety of condiments was weakly positively correlated. Conclusion The consumption of condiments in Chinese restaurants is relatively high. In the food safety risk assessment, comprehensive consideration should be given to the risk of exposure to harmful factors and nutrients in family meals and restaurant meals through condiments.



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  • 收稿日期:2021-02-04
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  • 在线发布日期: 2021-06-15
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